I find it mildly entertaining that so many people are actually interested in the comic book I'm drawing (the Joanna Quinn one).
I find it insanly entertaining telling former military personnel I work with that I'm pacifist.
I find it uproarously entertaining to shout vivaciously at priests with a 'Satan' voice.
But I don't often do that last one.
I usually bite my lip and smile.
Hmm. I wonder what that looks like? I wander around work for hours on end with a fucking smile plastered across my face. I try to look
peppy. Or at least not mad as hell that I'm at work.
People usually smile back.
Perhaps they're making fun?
Oh. I got one of my Papers back today. I used the phrase, "Genji was aesthetically beautiful," when discribing one reason why he was an ideal Heian aristocrat. The comment my Prof wrote above it was "he was physically beautiful too, yes?"
Maybe I'm mistaken, but doesn't aesthetic mean of a physical/visable nature? Like 'aesthetically pleasing' is 'pleasing to the eye'? Am I wrong here? Is my professor a gimp?
I vote for option 'A.'
The Batman board is kinda boring right now. I haven't seen LoC for, like, two days. There are so many new people. There are so many uninteresting topics. It makes my brains ache.
I haven't been swearing much lately. Maybe it's because I can...?
How long can posts be here? Is there any sort of limit?
Do you watch Mr.Show? It's great. You'd like it I think. It's as good as Upright Citizens Brigade (IMO) although in a much different forum. The two guys are Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. I love those guys. Bob looks a lot like Fozzie Bear. Which is funny. Because he's a comedian.
My hands are cold because I have poor circulation in my hands.
I like to draw but sometimes I can't get something right and it frustrates me so much and I freak out and destroy things. Not
expensive things...
Or living things...
Next week is another 20 hour week. Fuck.
I used to cut my arms a lot. It's weird because the skin there doesn't tan. I look a bit strange in the summertime. In winter people almost never notice.
You know what's fun? Writing sentences with only letters and numbers.
C D B.
D B S A B-Z B.
I C U.
Y R P-K-N!
I M N X-T-C!
I M P-N.
I C U P.
N-R-Y S N K-T.