2003-03-21 4:46 AM
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quote: Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53: The avarage person couldn't hear the train untill it was two feet from thier face.
The average person is comparable to Tim Burton's version of Joker?
Yeah, I have a midterm at eight. Pbbthh.
I don't like freaking out.
Tomorrow I think I'll mosey on down to the card shop and look at 'Tec. It sounds so much cooler than Batman is right now.
When I get tired I get chatty.
When I get cold I get chatty too.
I was sick for a while this week.
It also snowed real bad. Alberquerque Lows mean snow for Colorado Springs. This was a classic example.
I sometimes wish I had a friend again. It's been a few years now. But then I remember that people are heels.
It'd still be nice sometimes.
A couple nights ago I had this reoccuring nightmare. It usually comes at times when i feel like I'll never really make anything of myself - just run through life like all the rest. The nightmare is gross. There're all these rotting, festering, pieces-missing corpses and its my fault they are like that. And I can't bring myself to tell anyone about it because they wouldn't understand. They'd put me in jail. But I can smell the stench and I can feel the rot. This is one of the 'dreams' that started when I was being medicated. Those kinds of medicines make your dreams just like real life (I had an entire world in my head. I couldn't even tell if I was asleep or awake sometimes. scary.) and its so hard to make it through the night with all that gore in my head. And the dream starts with me finding the first body. I step on it barefoot. And it's been dead for a while. And I can feel it between my toes.
I really really really hate that dream.
It puts me into some bad sorts for the next few days.
Sorry, am I dumping on you? You didn't have to read that.
I need to do something big. I have to make an impact, you know? I have a few goals... they seem so hard to reach. So far into the future. So unknown. So ...worthless sometimes. But I don't want to be 'just that girl.' I have to take over the world because I don't know what happens after you die.
I don't want to be like everyone else.
People tell me I need to find God. I wonder what that could do. Dillude myself into believing in a 'purpose?' I mean, I believe God's there. Sort of. "God the Father," right? Yeah.
What about you? There has to be something, yes? Or what...
I need to buy some superglue. My new shoes are already falling apart. That's bullshit right there.
Time takes too much time. Except when there's not enough.
2003-03-22 4:16 AM
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Tec has been good. I hope the Penguin is dead. Cmon Ed shake that shit up. Do it! Kill fuckin Pengy! You know you want to. Ed? Ed?.... Oh thats right Eds not listening anymore. I wish someone would shake some shit up good again. Like Barbra Gordon. That is one fucked up nightmare. I mean I can say I have a reoccuring nightmare too ( Since I can remember) but mine isn't nearly as intense or disturbing. And I have been thinking what better way for you to be remebered than the girl who tracked down osama and superglued his balls to his forehead. Wow holy fucking shit we fucked up Iraq today. I start to wonder if I should be enjoying this so much. I mean we are blowing shit UP! But every time I lose my smile I remember. They we warned. We pick military targets. Even if we fuck up we won't kill 3000 innocent civilians. The people of Iraq I sorta sympatize with but if I was living in Bagdad and this shit was coming round I would have gotten me the wife and kids plus the good chicken the fuck out of town by any means nessasary(fuck I can't spell, Sometimes yes sometimes no.). Fuck Iraqi soldiers and government types. I love to see the fuck kicked out of them. Today we did! I have never seen anything like that. This is how 24 hour war coverage is at best a mixed blessing. I hated reality TV untill this war. I haven't watched this much TV since 9/11. This is why we pay taxes. Where does all that money go? Big fucking bombs that find your murdering asshole. Saddam is a cocksucker! I hope he lives to see his trial though. I want to throw fruit and spit on him.
2003-03-22 4:48 AM
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I want to throw fruit and spit on the penguin... [ 03-22-2003, 12:49 AM: Message edited by: Pig Iron ]
2003-03-23 5:13 AM
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Uschi I have been reading Batgirl : Year One and it really has been a nice surprise.
It has been a really entertaining comic to read.
2003-03-23 5:17 AM
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Whoever DeadlyPudding is he's about to get banned and fuck up alot of peoples threads.
I hope Rob can delete individual posts and doesn't have to zap whole threads due to his shanigans.
2003-03-23 5:30 AM
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Did you hear that Iraqi press conferance? We are the Criminals. United State of Criminal. We are trained to be cirminals by the criminals. The united state of giants. Of Criminals.
Then all that shit about, "go to the hospitals and see the 207 injured by the american criminals." Yeah, fuckhead. Right. Maybe they wouldn't be injured if you guys hadn't, like, tied them up so they couldn't leave. Or maybe you should come to the hospitals and see those injured... and DEAD from 9-11 which happened because of your support. Oh, wait. You can't. They were fucking ATOMIZED it that case.
Did you see that guy in the liberated city? A marine was cutting down one of those 'big brother-esque' Saddam posters and a guy in the crowd pulled off his shoe and started beating the shit out of the poster. That was excellent. Makes it seem worth everything, you know?
But I don't like to talk about the war. I live in Military Capital, USA. I get enough already.
You know, I think Osama lived in Colorado Springs for a while. When I was a freshman (five... six years ago) I saw a guy looked exactly like him driving around in a minivan. Tell you what, that was freaky. 'Course nobody knew who I was talking about when I mentioned it to my friends and stuff... "Osama WHO?! What?" Yeah. They know who he is now, eh?
I tried to get a 'Tec issue. Everyone was sold. I even tried Media Play. Media Play!! All was not for naught, however. I got issues two and three of the Batgirl: Year One. Tight! What a breath of fresh air after reading only HUSH for months! Loving it. Babs is my new favorite character. Well, I always liked her before but I never had read any Batgirl stuff. I'm really liking it. She's cool. She FACE'd Robin. That was awsome.
Yeah, that was my mostest fucked up dream ever in the world. Scary as shit. I think I figured out what it is though. You know how dreams sometimes represent stuff? Yeah. Maybe now I won't have it anymore. That'd be cool.
And that was an understatement.
Oh, hell. I watched "The Black Hole" last night. The Disney one... O.M.G. People are always telling me to see it 'cause I like black holes and that kind of stuff so I finally rented it. I noticed it was a 1979 make, so I didn't have high expectations for the science aspects. Plus it's a Disney. Their interpretation of science has always been neon lights and clear plastic shit. My sights couldn't have been set lower in that aspect.
But the movie itself, just as a movie... It sucked so so so so SO much. Hell. SOSOSOSOSO much. There was no continuous storyline for one. It was like a schitsophrenic had done the final cut editing. Another really bad part was how, like George Lucas, they ignored certain laws of space. Unlike Lucas, however, they didn't follow theirs! If the spaceship was punctured and exposed to space one of three things would happen: 1. Something would blow inwards. 2. Space starts sucking them outwards and it might get cold enough to have snow FALLING. 3. Nothing at all. They can breathe and walk normally. They didn't even keep continuity with gravity. In the begining their spaceship is almost pulled into the black hole, but then their stupid robot is able to use a tiny magnet and pull itself from the pull... and later people can float around in space without any effects at all. And when they all finally fall into the black hole, the bad guy ends up in hell and the good guys pass through with strange thoughts.
If you can't tell, I hated that flick. Now I'm going to go home. Maybe I'll watch the other movie we rented. Have you seen 'Undercover Brother?' I thought it looked funny... Kung Pow. That was funny. Sos 'Strange Brew.' I love Rick Morannis.
Oh, hey. Anyone know who did the "Land Shark" skit on SNL all those years ago? I think it may have been Dan Akroyd (oh lordy. spelling SPELLING!!)...
I hope I didn't repeat anything I had already said.... That'd be weird.
2003-03-23 5:31 AM
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quote: Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53: Whoever DeadlyPudding is he's about to get banned and fuck up alot of peoples threads.
I hope Rob can delete individual posts and doesn't have to zap whole threads due to his shanigans.
Woah, what's going on? What's he doing? 'Cause Rob can't do that... the whole thread goes down the shitter.
2003-03-23 5:36 AM
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Take a peek he's cursing up a storm.
2003-03-23 5:40 AM
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I loved the Black Hole. Robert Forster is the man!
2003-03-23 5:41 AM
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So your Babs Year One thread is gone.
2003-03-23 5:43 AM
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I don't know what's more frightening that this fucker is doing it at random or if he wants to dust certain threads.
Let's hope he doesn't kill Yours or JYD's thread.
2003-03-23 5:46 AM
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Uschi Would you do me a bigggg favor and make a homosexual lovers referance in Wolfs new thread kissing Rob's ass.
2003-03-23 6:07 AM
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As is from the original post I think Wolf is repressing homosexual tendancys. Thank yas.
2003-03-23 6:14 AM
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Done and done!
Wolfie is an emotional kinda guy. I'm not sure if he's gay or not, but I don't really care. He's a bit of a pud. Very melodramatic.
...I might have gotton myself kicked off now. I told Pudding to kill himself. I mean, it is a joke... kind of a referance to how I "committed suicide" when I ditched the UMDB. But nobody will get it. Oops.
2003-03-23 6:23 AM
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Nah wasn't too bad. Especially after Deadly's littlle temper tantrum.
2003-03-23 6:30 AM
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Was it enough? I fear the homo stuff was too light... or stupid.
LIKE THE BLACK HOLE WAS!!! I hated that movie.
Event Horizon. Now that was a good black hole movie. There was only ONE scientific inconsistancy in that. (The water sloshes as the waterbottle twists in the air when the ship is in a deep freeze,) It has Sam Neil and that really good black guy... Fishbourne? Am I wrong? I think it was him. And scary as HELL! Great movie!
2003-03-23 9:21 PM
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Yeah, I watched Undercover Brother last night.
It was ...ok. There were funny bits but everything was trying to be a joke. There was nothing 'straight' in the movie. It just jumped from joke to joke and you hardly had time to laugh at one joke before you'd miss the next one. The Mayo joke got old quick. It was supposed to be a running gag but they didn't have enough material. It was the same joke repeated instead of the same joke reinvented. Shame. And the timing on the jokes was a bit off. And there were so many its hard to remember the good ones.
Except when they're going into the BROTHERHOOD headquarters. "The flashing light and fan make it seem worse than it is." Great. <ok, that's one you have to see to get>
It was a lot like watching Austin Powers ...only with less plot. Ok, maybe that's not true. The plot was there, it just didn't stand out. The simple gags had just as much emphesis as the important, story-building ones. And they used the slow death-chase. In golf carts. That was funny and has a suprise ending. It was good. Overused, but good. :)
On the plus side, there were some good cameos. Doogie Howser is the BROTHERHOOD's intern. He rips a guy's spine out. "Baby Bear" from Event Horizon was Chris Kattan's (sp) flunkie. 'The General' was Lando Calarissian. James Brown dances.
All in all, I liked it. However, I'd never buy it. Or watch it a second time.
Oh, and a question. I had never heard of the 'orange soda' stereotype. What's that about? "All black people drink orange soda"? That one's new to me, but it was brought up a couple of times. Had you heard of it?
2003-03-24 8:57 PM
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Went apartment shopping again today. We found a sweet-ass deal. All fees and first month rent for $99, in a good neighborhood, across the street from a grocery store, two miles from school, two bed, two full bath, all pets allowed, good lighting, private enterance, a/c, w/d in the unit, monthly rent of $720 ( including pet rent).... This downturned economy has its perks. ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
2003-03-24 11:00 PM
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Fuck. That is a good deal I pay over a grand for a single bedroom 1 full bath.
A fucking washer dryer too? That is excellent. I have to pay to do my laundry.
Is the price good for your area too or does it just seem that way because I pay NY long Island type prices.
I don't think you can find a 2 bedroom 1 bath here for less than $1200. and if you do it ain't gonna have a washer and a dryer.
I pay a grand even with pet fees. I put down 3k security. Plus thanks to oil prices I have to pay an extra cost for fuel.
Plus you have probably seen my pull sheet at the comic book store and ad in I still need to eat and buy stuff to clean myself and the apt with THEN I gotta feed my two cats.
Then the Cable and electricity.
It never fucking ends.
Sometimes I thing if I do some time in prison the state will pay for my food and electric.
2003-03-24 11:59 PM
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A grand...hahahahahaha...I love Ohio...
2003-03-25 4:26 AM
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Holy COW, man! That BLOWS! A one bed one bath here is often between 580 and 650 (for mid-range). A two bed two bath is between 700 and 900 (going down to 550 in shitty neighborhoods with poor maintenance in 1960's builds). I feel so much happier even now... thank you for that. (Our find was still really fucking rare though. Without these deals it's an $802/mo rent - WAY above our range.)
Oh, MAN! Pardon me whilst I laugh uncontrollably at your expensive-ass situation. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! :lol:
2003-03-25 4:56 AM
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Hey remember our discussion about colorforms. Well here is thier bastard cousin. I am not a link.
2003-03-25 5:39 AM
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2003-03-25 9:37 PM
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Captain Pud sure looks constipated. Maybe someone should introduce him to Professor Ex-Lax?
I like the DKR Batman though. That's wicked bad.
As for those bastardised colorforms... I had those once. They were kinda dumb, I thought. I still enjoyed them more than stickerbooks though. At least, I did until I realized I could put the stickers on stuff other than paper but couldn't with the transfers. Hell, they didn't even work as temp tattoos!
2003-03-26 3:25 AM
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Fukkaduck! I have been here at my parents' house for almost six hours waiting to do my taxes. "Just another minute! I'm almost through." Bull Shit. On the plus side I've got three more pages done in JQ #1. On the minus side, I've also been hounding the DCMB (I just want someone to talk to...). I am SO fucking BORED.
And nothings going on. And I can't even go do my taxes 'cause the computer with the program is being used.
Another plus though... one of my mom's clients came in and needed a picture for a newsletter. So I drew it out and they like it so I got ten bucks! Woo! More comics money! Or I could always spend it on food... choices, choices.
I guess I'll pretend I'm talking to someone. That'll keep me occupied.
Or I could look up Hyeenas on the internet so I can draw them. They start showing up on the next page to draw in JQ. Hmm... Peacocks too.
Hell. I don't wanna do that.
My mom's retarded puppy is watching me. He's so retarded. And gross. But sometimes he can be cute... until he <inevitably> jumps up to 'tag' you. Then you've got muddy, wet, poopy doggie footprints on your shirt/pants. Uggh...
Maybe i could start to whistle or something. But that might be weird seeing as the TV is spouting how many people are dead right now. Bad idea.
Maybe I'll just go home. Taxes can wait 'till tomorrow, right?
2003-03-26 3:28 AM
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Taxes sucks. I hate them.
2003-03-26 3:29 AM
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Wait did you say taxes or Texas?
2003-03-26 3:29 AM
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I am indifferent to Texas.
2003-03-26 3:30 AM
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Or as some would call a well wisher of Texas.
2003-03-26 3:30 AM
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As in I don't wish Texas any specific harm.
2003-03-26 3:31 AM
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2003-03-26 3:34 AM
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Are you enjoying Batgirl : Year one Uschi?
I have been.
Have not read issue four yet but I have it.
That book was a very nice surprise.
It make me really like Babs character.
A new found respect if you will.
2003-03-26 3:34 AM
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2003-03-26 4:02 AM
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quote: Originally posted by Ultimate Jaburg53: I don't think you can find a 2 bedroom 1 bath here for less than $1200. and if you do it ain't gonna have a washer and a dryer.
very similar here.
except there's no ONE bedroom for under than 1k monthly rent.
my place is ass small (... cuz... i guess asses are small) and my taxes alone are $280 / month.
2003-03-26 4:06 AM
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I have to admit my apartment has size. My bedroom and living room are about the same size too.
My biggest gripe about my apartment is that the water temp is freakily inconsistant.
You could be freezing one second and scarred for life the next.
2003-03-26 4:33 AM
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my bedroom is about the same size as my living room. both small!
my heat and water are "free"
specifically, they're covered by my condo association. ... to which, i pay a monthly fee of nearly $300. yeah, they send out exterminators on a regular basis and paint the hallways and vacuum and all, but... $300??
... man...
2003-03-26 4:56 AM
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For 300 bucks they best paint the hallway fresh everyday.
2003-03-26 2:44 PM
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you'd think.
its more like vacuuming once a week, exterminator once a month, paint once every 3 months.
in theory, the maintenance fee also includes taking care of the outside of the building, getting new light fixtures, shoveling the sidewalk in front of the building (which was big this winter) and a few other things that also don't amount to $300 a month.
2003-03-26 9:52 PM
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Man, everyone's water is freakishly inconsistant. It's 'cause of them using a boiler for heat, I think. Try showering at, like, midnight or something. Less people are using the water at that time. I promise, it works out a lot nicer.
Yes, you missed me. Which is really sad... I was literally online for, like, eight hours yesterday. (Well, I was doing other stuff too but I checked back frequently from boredom.)
What was that you were saying over on the DCMBs? It was on the now-deleted 'O Jaburg' thread... something about seeing Rob's web log? I failed to see what you ment. Help?
I am loving Babs Year One.
"God creates us to assist one another." My mom just said that to me. Odd. Oh, wait. Some guy we don't know is going out on a limb to try and score my dad a job. Cool.
Yeah. I like her characterization. Honestly, that was the best part in the NML novel, IMO. She writes all kinds of stuff first person / journal like. I wish I was Batgirl. She's cool. ('Course, I'll take that without the Joker, mind you.) Maybe I'll get a Batgirl costume for Halloween. But then I can't be Frank (bunny in Donnie Darko). Hmm.... what choices...
I played some Batman: Vengance last night. I haven't played that in almost a year now.
Oh LORD! That always freaks me out. Fuck. Those damn military planes fly so low and they're so loud and you can't hear them until they've already passed over and are a diminishing speck in the distance... I know terrorists wouldn't be likely to pull the same trick again but ever since 9-11 it gives me the heebie jeebies. And its the absolute worst thing to be woken up by in the morning.
Ok, the game. I'm pretty happy. After a years rest, I, like, doubled how far I had previously gotten... in only four hours. :) It's a fun game.
Ohp, heres the plane again. What are they, circling? Are they practicing or something? WTF?
Damn it! Why won't someone save that thread for me?! I asked and my Mom doesn't want it on her computers and I don't think it'll fit on floppy disks very well... or maybe it will. Maybe I should try that. Oh well. I got a thread to 19 pages. Woo HOO! Granted I did most of the posts....
2003-03-26 9:58 PM
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Heh. As for extravigant fees, My pet deposit (100% non-refundable) was $400. I asked why it was all non-refundable and they said it was because sometimes peoples' dogs poop in the hall and they have to pay someone to pick it up. There's about 10 dogs in my building. Twice someone has let their dog shit in the stairway. Once it got picked up by the cleaning staff (the other time it was there for two days so I chucked it out myself). Did they really have to pay someone $4,000 to pick up some dog shit?! (Wow. They coulda paid me that! sweet!) Anyways, I'm just saying...
Hey! How sweet! My cat just killed a robin! Tasty. [ 03-26-2003, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: Uschi ]