Have you ever watched Malcom in the Middle? You know the wheelchair kid Stevie? Who talks.... really... really.... slowly... because.... he can't.... breathe.... too well? They ALL talked like that. All these side storys in the middle of some other story that had nothing to do with what everyone else was talking about and it took, like, ten minutes for each one to get to the frikkin' POINT. Plus they talked really slowly with big pauses... THAT kinda weird.

Have you ever been running around and been having so much fun that you feel like doing a cartwheel or a roundoff or something and then realize you quit gymnastics a week in when you were four and never learned how? Yeah....

Oh, here's something weird about me: I cannot physically go upsidedown. I cant. Ever since I was five and pulled a Stupendous Man (when Calvin 'turns the world back' so he has an extra day to do his homework), jumping off a trampoline and breaking both my wrists, I can't go vertical upsidedown. So I couldn't do a cartwheel anyhow.

I guess I'm feeling a little 'kidish' today. My hair's getting pretty long so I braided it. I haven't braided my hair since I was... six? Maybe not even then. Most the time my hair was fairly short.

I don't think my co-workers get it. Every day at least one person says, "Ashley, you are so mean to me!" And I always say, "Oh you're not so special. I'm mean to everybody." But I'm not mean, really. I'm just kidding around. I do stuff for them, I do my work, I cover people, I'm one of the fastest baggers there, I am the best at keeping up carts... I just kid around too. Why don't people understand? Darcy gets it. He makes fun of everybody and they love him for it. Why do I always get the "You're mean."? Double standard?

Taxes are fin. I'm getting $488. Maybe I can pay my bills that month! <PBBTTTH!> Fucking low hours. Fucking Union.

Just 'cause I know you don't care:
I played the PS2 again last night. Now I'm at the part where you gotta throw a ton of batarangs at the fat guy with the rocketlauncher. Despite how strange the script is (not really making much sense), this is a fun game.

Alright. Time for workie! Adios, suckas!