How do you wipe your ass?
Very carefully. It was just my wrists so the casts only went to just past my thumb. Fingers were free as daisies. Plus, as with taking baths and showers, you can always wear plastic/rubber gloves. I was five so my hands were small and the gloves fit up past my elbows. So all was good. It wasn't all that hard. Not like getting dressed. I remember once having so much trouble getting my pants undone (it was the eighties and flys were buttons, not zippers) and I didn't want to ask for help and it took SO long... yeah. I ended up pissing my pants. And it was at my 5 yr Birthday party to top it off. I was
so humiliated... :lol:
Hey I finished the game last night. so you don't have to hear about it anymore!
![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
Speaking of the eighties, I've been listening to an 80s comp CD my sister made for about a week now. We built this city on rock and roll. Annie are you ok? I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that. Oz never did give nothin' to the Tin Man that he didn't, didn't already have. Six o'clock already and I was just in the middle of a dream; I was kissin' Valentino by a crystal blue Italian stream. They've got the moves (oh-way-oh) you drop your drink then they bring you more. Billie Jean is not my lover.
All these are scrolling through my head 24-7. Plus many many more that I don't know the words to.
I need a new job pronto. Four weeks now of 20 hr schedualing. FUCK!!! That's $400 for a MONTH! BULL SHIT. I like the work, I enjoy the people (well, more than at some of the
other jobs I've had) and everything's peachy. Except pay sucks and hours blow.
What job do
you have? What with the batteries bit I figured something with cars, but then you go into TV stuff. So whatcha do?
One of my sisters works as a tape librarian for AT&T Cable (new name now but I forgot.), She writes logs and pushes around tapes. She hooked up two of her friends with jobs watching TVs all night (for quality checks). Evidently it sucks. But, funny story, one day they started piping the porn channels in there too. And didn't tell anyone. Evidently they were just sitting there and suddenly were all, "Hey... people are having sex over there." Suprise!! :lol:
Mmmm.... chocolate cake. Nice.