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#77443 2003-03-27 4:53 AM
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When your cat brings you a smelly dead thing it is an expression of love and crushing to thier fragile regal ego if they don't see you ea t it.

#77444 2003-03-27 4:55 AM
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You have to pretend to like it too.

#77445 2003-03-27 4:56 AM
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Make nummy sounds.

#77446 2003-03-27 4:56 AM
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give cat pat on head.

#77447 2003-03-27 8:28 PM
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Nah. She eats it herself. Except the head, the ass (in rodentia), and the intestines. She leaves those in a wonderfully impossible-to-not-step-on place in the garage or by the front door. Actually once she didn't eat a bird she killed. I found it a couple of days post-mortem in the yard. Have you ever seen maggots live and at work? Grossest. Image. Ever. It really gives some extra turn in your stomach while watching 'The Lost Boys.'

Fuck. Back to work today. Three days off in a row sucks for $ but is pretty damn sweet for relaxing. No school, no work, no mom making you clean your room... its like being four again -Only BETTER!

And my parents got pizza yesterday. So I stayed for dinner. They had some old woman friend over too. It was weird.

#77448 2003-03-28 3:27 AM
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I'm fuckin sick.

It's a wierd sick.

I feel fine as long as I don't stand up.

If I stand I start sneezing and my fucking eyes water all up.

No fun. No fun at all.

Altough I think I finally figured out what Grant Morrison's The Filth is about.

Poor Tony.

#77449 2003-03-28 4:25 AM
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Sounds like your sinuses and inner ear. If your nose is all clogged and nasty and impossible to breathe through, put a tablespoon of salt into 8oz of warm water and sniff it up your nose. Nasty as hell but it works. If you go to a chiropracter, tell him/her about it and they can do this weird thing to your ear that opens everything up and clears your inner ear right out. It hurts like hell for a second though. Unfortunately, you can't learn to do it yourself. Your hand won't bend the right way. Otherwise sit in the bathroom and turn the shower on hot to steam it up.

Or take Dayquil and buy a TV 'cause you're going to be up all night.

#77450 2003-03-28 5:19 AM
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Originally posted by Uschi:
And my parents got pizza yesterday. So I stayed for dinner. They had some old woman friend over too. It was weird.

Orgy weird or Hellraiser 1 weird.

#77451 2003-03-28 9:25 PM
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Have you ever watched Malcom in the Middle? You know the wheelchair kid Stevie? Who talks.... really... really.... slowly... because.... he can't.... breathe.... too well? They ALL talked like that. All these side storys in the middle of some other story that had nothing to do with what everyone else was talking about and it took, like, ten minutes for each one to get to the frikkin' POINT. Plus they talked really slowly with big pauses... THAT kinda weird.

Have you ever been running around and been having so much fun that you feel like doing a cartwheel or a roundoff or something and then realize you quit gymnastics a week in when you were four and never learned how? Yeah....

Oh, here's something weird about me: I cannot physically go upsidedown. I cant. Ever since I was five and pulled a Stupendous Man (when Calvin 'turns the world back' so he has an extra day to do his homework), jumping off a trampoline and breaking both my wrists, I can't go vertical upsidedown. So I couldn't do a cartwheel anyhow.

I guess I'm feeling a little 'kidish' today. My hair's getting pretty long so I braided it. I haven't braided my hair since I was... six? Maybe not even then. Most the time my hair was fairly short.

I don't think my co-workers get it. Every day at least one person says, "Ashley, you are so mean to me!" And I always say, "Oh you're not so special. I'm mean to everybody." But I'm not mean, really. I'm just kidding around. I do stuff for them, I do my work, I cover people, I'm one of the fastest baggers there, I am the best at keeping up carts... I just kid around too. Why don't people understand? Darcy gets it. He makes fun of everybody and they love him for it. Why do I always get the "You're mean."? Double standard?

Taxes are fin. I'm getting $488. Maybe I can pay my bills that month! <PBBTTTH!> Fucking low hours. Fucking Union.

Just 'cause I know you don't care:
I played the PS2 again last night. Now I'm at the part where you gotta throw a ton of batarangs at the fat guy with the rocketlauncher. Despite how strange the script is (not really making much sense), this is a fun game.

Alright. Time for workie! Adios, suckas!

#77452 2003-03-29 1:15 AM
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How um ........

I guess there is no gracefull way to ask so......

How do you wipe your butt with two broken wrists?

I still feel like shit today.

I had to ask to leave early from work not because I'm not too sick to work but because I most likely would have hurt someone very badly when they asked stupid fucking questions.

"Are you sure this is the battery?"

"I fucking find peoples goddamned fucking batteries 40 hours plus a goddam week I think I know what the fuck I'm doing! Fuck!"

At least I got some good news today. The deal between cablevision and the YES network fell through.

Therefore I will be selling more Direct TV.

I actully love Direct TV they are a good company and provide a sound service.

Plus it's money in my pocket.

#77453 2003-03-29 8:37 PM
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How do you wipe your ass?
Very carefully. It was just my wrists so the casts only went to just past my thumb. Fingers were free as daisies. Plus, as with taking baths and showers, you can always wear plastic/rubber gloves. I was five so my hands were small and the gloves fit up past my elbows. So all was good. It wasn't all that hard. Not like getting dressed. I remember once having so much trouble getting my pants undone (it was the eighties and flys were buttons, not zippers) and I didn't want to ask for help and it took SO long... yeah. I ended up pissing my pants. And it was at my 5 yr Birthday party to top it off. I was so humiliated... :lol:

Hey I finished the game last night. so you don't have to hear about it anymore! [biiiig grin] Hurrah!

Speaking of the eighties, I've been listening to an 80s comp CD my sister made for about a week now. We built this city on rock and roll. Annie are you ok? I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that. Oz never did give nothin' to the Tin Man that he didn't, didn't already have. Six o'clock already and I was just in the middle of a dream; I was kissin' Valentino by a crystal blue Italian stream. They've got the moves (oh-way-oh) you drop your drink then they bring you more. Billie Jean is not my lover.
All these are scrolling through my head 24-7. Plus many many more that I don't know the words to.

I need a new job pronto. Four weeks now of 20 hr schedualing. FUCK!!! That's $400 for a MONTH! BULL SHIT. I like the work, I enjoy the people (well, more than at some of the other jobs I've had) and everything's peachy. Except pay sucks and hours blow.

What job do you have? What with the batteries bit I figured something with cars, but then you go into TV stuff. So whatcha do?

One of my sisters works as a tape librarian for AT&T Cable (new name now but I forgot.), She writes logs and pushes around tapes. She hooked up two of her friends with jobs watching TVs all night (for quality checks). Evidently it sucks. But, funny story, one day they started piping the porn channels in there too. And didn't tell anyone. Evidently they were just sitting there and suddenly were all, "Hey... people are having sex over there." Suprise!! :lol:

Mmmm.... chocolate cake. Nice.

#77454 2003-03-30 4:39 AM
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I work at Radio Shack.

Someone has too.

Sometimes I think I only stay with the job because I sold two watch batteries to Kevin Conroy the dude who does the voice for the animated Batman.

#77455 2003-03-30 6:47 PM
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I interviewed at Radio Shack once. Working for commission must really suck. It sounded awful. And you pay that kinda rent working there?! Wow.

In about twelve minutes I have to go to work. Bummer. Maybe I should go eat something.

#77456 2003-04-01 12:27 AM
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Yea! My federal tax return came. Some bills will be paid and I'm jacking out 50 bucks to add to fridays comic book budget bringing friday's comic book budget to 90 dollars.

I have a system.

All money I can spend in fun is dedicated to comics.

As I am.

I love comics.

I really, really do.

They have turned from pastime to entertainment to hobby to passion.

There is nothing like the smell of comic book ink.

New action figure is close.

#77457 2003-04-01 1:49 AM
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I'm pretty fond of the smell of My Little Ponies, myself.

Guess what we found in the wall today!

C'mon. Guess.

#77458 2003-04-01 1:57 AM
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Um i dunno bats ( oh come on im a batman fan [wink] )

#77459 2003-04-01 2:10 AM
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All weekend we had this thing scratching in the walls. We called on Friday night and they said, "This isn't an emergancy, we won't come tonight." But it was the weekend. We were afraid the damn mouse or whatever would die and stink the hell out of the apartment. Well, today we called again and they said, "We can't really do anything. If you want, you can cut a hole in the wall and we'll patch it up later." So my sister's boyfriend brought over his dad's tools and cut a hole in the wall. It was a bird. A fucking huge bird. And it had bled ALL OVER the place. Gross as hell. Oh, and it died sometime today (sometime before noon, I suppose, due to the smell). But then there was the other thing. A mummified squirrel! It's little face was there all dry and shrunken and the mouth was open... So so so so so so GROSS! But cool.

#77460 2003-04-01 2:19 AM
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Damn, you've only been living there how long and already corpses in the wall. You work fast girl.

#77461 2003-04-01 2:22 AM
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Uschi are u hiding things from us [wink]

#77462 2003-04-01 2:23 AM
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Hee hee hee! Thankyou! I'm blushing. [mwah hwah haa]

Oh, hey. I've got a new picture to post! I'll try to set it up as a fools day joke or something. I just need to get ahold of mom's scanner.... [nyah hah]

#77463 2003-04-01 2:25 AM
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Originally posted by winged creature:
Uschi are u hiding things from us

Not you, just the cops. [AAAHHHH!!!]

#77464 2003-04-01 2:47 AM
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I just had to share this with everyone

hope u get a laugh

#77465 2003-04-01 4:44 AM
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Man.... nothing doing. No joke. Not for tomorrow, anyhow. The network is down and the computer with the scanner is not the computer with the index files for my webpage. And Dad's busy working at Walmart.

#77466 2003-04-02 1:19 AM
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#77467 2003-04-02 2:36 AM
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God I hate the world today. Today at work made me realize I was much happier when I shunned almost all contact with society.

I have my shit together so it must not be so hard.

If you knew me in real life you would probably have a better understanding.

I must start playing Lotto or writing again.

I need to make an obsene amount of money cause I hate people.

Fuck them.

I was really honestly alot happier as a psudo hermit.

Fucking people have absolutly no clue. No fucking clue at all.

I worked very hard to become the person I am.

It didn't just happen.

I guess I am fucked up.

Perhaps the whole world is right and I am wrong.

Perhaps there is no place for someone who works to be a good decent human being and a man of honor.

I pride myself on being a gentlemen.

It's fucking evil out there and if you don't watch your shit someones gonna step on it and that fucking sucks.


[ 04-01-2003, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Ultimate Jaburg53 ]

#77468 2003-04-02 2:38 AM
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Rabbits have big ears.

#77469 2003-04-02 2:43 AM
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You know why I have really begun to like this message board. For the most part you guys are real. Especially Uschi.

I wish I was more like her. She is honest.

I am not as honest as her.

I am not as honest as her on the boards.

I leave out a big part of what I am about because I worry about it's perception.

#77470 2003-04-02 2:44 AM
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Thats crazy!

No, wait............

#77471 2003-04-02 5:45 AM
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Ok it's been like four hours since work and I am still pissed off.

It takes ALOT to get me this way.

I want to go to sleep but I still can't believe the stupidity of the store.

one example of my day.

Man walks into Radio Shack with two line phone bought from the store.

Man says phone don't work and he was on the phone with some division of out company in Ft.worth Texas.

Finds out phone not compatible with his system. WTF?.

Man demands store credit on new phone.

Man has no recipt.

Man says purchased phone in December.

Attempts at looking up his recipt are in vain. Man decides to think he is telling me how my search engine works. Man talks in insulting way.

Every fucking store in the fucking united states has a 30-60 and if you are very fucking lucky 90 day return policy.

After that the product is used and yours and you are fucked if it breaks and you didn't buy a extended service contract.

Man don't know what the fuck he wants in a new phone and wants me coddle him through him choosing.

Man chooses one phone we only have display of.

Jakes sees red. Jake finds phone in other store close by man bitches about drive.

Man bitches about exchange being done first so all he has to do in other store is pick up phone.

I should have just sent the fucker and let him go through all that shit for a second time.

#77472 2003-04-02 6:39 PM
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Aww, that's touching, Jaburg! You wish you were a girl! [no no no]

Hey, I had the greatist interview today! My sister told me there were a few openings in, like, Compounding and such (she works at college pharmacy in shipping). That kind of a job would be excellent! WAY high pay, interesting co-workers, wear whatever the hell you want, get to do hands-on stuff, PLUS I'd get to wear a labcoat! One step further to my goal of becoming a mad scientist! <Labcoats are cool, IMO.> Vallerie likes my sister and my sister highly recommended me so they're going to see if something opens up that'll fit with my schedual (they need a full-timer right now 9am - 6pm... I have school till 10 MWF and 2 TR... not good.)

I really really really really really want this job.

Yeah... I guess I am kinda outright and forthcoming online. Or anywhere, really. In elementary school and Jr High and Middle School and Highschool I was hated and teased and generally discriminated for being who I was. I tried to pretend for those years that I was like them, but that didn't change anything. I find it doesn't matter if I'm honest about who I am or not, it always shows in the end. So I accepted who I am and ran with it... now everyone likes me. Stranger things have not happened.

However, to be honest ( :) ), there are still things I don't share.
And you should be happy I don't.

Oh, hey. Everyone raise their hand if they're creeped out by that guy always saying he wants me to model underwear. My hand's in the air like it just don't care...
What do you people think of me?

#77473 2003-04-03 3:22 AM
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I have 'spoken' with the infamous Madhattar. He is good, just busy. And says he will never come over to that idiot Rob's board.

Yeah... Rob's an idiot.

There's a girl I work with, we were hired the same day. She's fun to talk to and hang out with. She just moved here with her husband and twin boys (now just over 1yr) from Washington. She's a great person. And her husband just said he wanted a divorce and custody. Needless to say she's in pieces. If ever I was to actually kill a person....

This is nice! That Planetman guy from Superman is continuing our physics discussion via e-mail. It's really interesting... he's a hardcore, undying believer in Classical Physics (Newton's) and things Einstein is full of it. However, he has so far failed to disprove ANY of the basics of General Relativity (we aren't arguing Special Relativity... I know almost nothing about it. It would be worthless to fight.) Fun fun fun.

Doop de doo, coup de boo.... I'm bored.

#77474 2003-04-03 3:26 AM
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Hi I am drunk, crazy, and yawn when looking at the Bat-boards lately.

I started that who Jim Lee draws hotter thread.

How awful.

I am intelligent.

I should be able to do better than that.

So it's war.

I will kiss my woman goodbye write a letter to my Mom and Dad and tell them thier baby might not be coming home tonight.

I swear if it takes every ounce of blood in my body there shall be Shananigans!

#77475 2003-04-03 4:47 AM
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I read BM:Dark Allegiances again today. The way it was storyboarded sucks and the art is less than craptacular. I mean, how exactly is THAT supposed to be Bruce? And the stylized speach bubbles were annoying as hell. But, all in all, I like the concept of the story. I should rewrite and redraw it or something. Anyways, I always thought that was the perfect 'real-life' version of Joker. Some corrupt asshole priest who leads the KKK in secret and gets off to beastiality porn.

#77476 2003-04-04 1:30 AM
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Hey, guys! I'm talking to myself again! Ain't it a gas!

So, good news! Vallerie talked to my sister... as soon as they have an opening, they're calling me! SWEET! So, I still need to get a supplimental job for a while. These hours blow. But the future looks bright.

I probably shouldn't but tomorrow I'm going to go and try to pick up 'Tec at my local. Heh... Brubacker screwed up 'cause he never read Last Laugh. :)

#77477 2003-04-04 2:09 AM
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I wish I knew how to manipulate the network out here. I'd like to be able to edit my webpage. I'd like to post that picture. I find it humerous and mean to Jeph Leob at the same time.

#77478 2003-04-04 2:11 AM
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Yeah, DCMB is boring as hell right now. I'm almost tempted to go home and do my math homework that's due tomorrow morning. Hmmm. Or maybe just watch a movie.

#77479 2003-04-04 2:14 AM
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I like Dan Potthast. He writes good music. Rich in melody and meaning. Plus he's got Jerry Lundquist (the ex-wrestler) on trombone and Ted Moll on the drums. Buncha blikums. Excellent. 'Course there's also the bassist and the other trombonist, but I always forget their names. MU330 is the greatist band in the world, bar none.

#77480 2003-04-04 2:16 AM
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My kittie cat is out here with me. Her name is Lucy. She's all black. She's such a slut. But she likes me, so its all good. I wish my dog got along with her.

#77481 2003-04-04 2:21 AM
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I got that package from Kwink today with the Batgirl Year One books 1 & 4 today. Kwink has good penmanship. I do not.

#77482 2003-04-04 9:38 PM
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I just woke up from napping with Ava. A sleeping baby is hard to stay awake holding.

Plus I went to the comic shop today to get 'Tec. They didn't have it but the guy told me about a NEW shop in town! EXCELLENT. They have backissue bins and everything. :)

I got my tax rebate! I GOT GROCERIES! I haven't bought groceries in so long.... all we had was tuna and ramen. And BBQ sauce. But the ramen didn't have flavor packets 'cause my sister likes to just eat the broth.

And tonight we're going to Panda Express. It's a fast-food chinese place, but it's tasty if you avoid the beef.

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