God I hate the world today. Today at work made me realize I was much happier when I shunned almost all contact with society.
I have my shit together so it must not be so hard.
If you knew me in real life you would probably have a better understanding.
I must start playing Lotto or writing again.
I need to make an obsene amount of money cause I hate people.
Fuck them.
I was really honestly alot happier as a psudo hermit.
Fucking people have absolutly no clue. No fucking clue at all.
I worked very hard to become the person I am.
It didn't just happen.
I guess I am fucked up.
Perhaps the whole world is right and I am wrong.
Perhaps there is no place for someone who works to be a good decent human being and a man of honor.
I pride myself on being a gentlemen.
It's fucking evil out there and if you don't watch your shit someones gonna step on it and that fucking sucks.
[ 04-01-2003, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Ultimate Jaburg53 ]