Ok it's been like four hours since work and I am still pissed off.

It takes ALOT to get me this way.

I want to go to sleep but I still can't believe the stupidity of the store.

one example of my day.

Man walks into Radio Shack with two line phone bought from the store.

Man says phone don't work and he was on the phone with some division of out company in Ft.worth Texas.

Finds out phone not compatible with his system. WTF?.

Man demands store credit on new phone.

Man has no recipt.

Man says purchased phone in December.

Attempts at looking up his recipt are in vain. Man decides to think he is telling me how my search engine works. Man talks in insulting way.

Every fucking store in the fucking united states has a 30-60 and if you are very fucking lucky 90 day return policy.

After that the product is used and yours and you are fucked if it breaks and you didn't buy a extended service contract.

Man don't know what the fuck he wants in a new phone and wants me coddle him through him choosing.

Man chooses one phone we only have display of.

Jakes sees red. Jake finds phone in other store close by man bitches about drive.

Man bitches about exchange being done first so all he has to do in other store is pick up phone.

I should have just sent the fucker and let him go through all that shit for a second time.