I have 'spoken' with the infamous Madhattar. He is good, just busy. And says he will never come over to that idiot Rob's board.
Yeah... Rob's an idiot.
There's a girl I work with, we were hired the same day. She's fun to talk to and hang out with. She just moved here with her husband and twin boys (now just over 1yr) from Washington. She's a great person. And her husband just said he wanted a divorce and custody. Needless to say she's in pieces. If ever I was to actually kill a person....
This is nice! That Planetman guy from Superman is continuing our physics discussion via e-mail. It's really interesting... he's a hardcore, undying believer in Classical Physics (Newton's) and things Einstein is full of it. However, he has so far failed to disprove ANY of the basics of General Relativity (we aren't arguing Special Relativity... I know almost nothing about it. It would be worthless to fight.) Fun fun fun.
Doop de doo, coup de boo.... I'm bored.