Er... I dunno which one. Its great though. I still play it. The cover had all the turtles but they were all in red. I thought that was stupid. As kids (well.... now too) we laughed when they were disarming the bombs. 'Cause it looks like they're making out with it.
Strange because I was all foggy. Like, floating. Not exactly connected to reality. It made work hard 'cause I didn't know what I was doing. Like, there was a bag of frozen raw chicken breasts that had a hole in it. I heard Russ and the customer talking about it, but I didn't say, "Would you like me to get you another one?" -Russ had to ask me. So I'm all, "Uh, SURE." and start walking towards frozen. Russ shouts, "Hey! Ashley!" I turn around. "It's THAT way." and points towards the MEAT department. I was a little bit disconnected. It was weird. Then Adam had someone ask me out for him again. So I told them to tell him to ask me HIMSELF some day. Yeah... he'll never do that. But that's cool. he doesn't understand my humor. it would never have a snowball's chance in hell of working out in the least. I dunno... yesterday was just
I've updated my website again. I tore most of it down and only put one picture up. So far. To get the setup before you look at it, check out my latest EAST thread over on Batman.
I think it's funny....
Ok, it's noon. I'm gonna cruise now. Lots to do on a day off.