
harleykwin said:
And Chewy, I know you dig it when I speak "foreign"

And how!


...but I'll do this in English here...

Fair enough. As much as I love it when you speak "foreign," I can't say as I understand it all that well...


I think we have enough "Best" categories - what more do we need? Seriously, I think we run the risk of going into "best fight scene" or "best kiss" or some MTV level category, but then again, people may actually like that.

So, you're saying no 'worst' categories, then?


I do think we could have a movie-so-bad-I-can't-believe-I-wasted-my-money-to-see-it category as - without fail - every year Hollywood manages to put out some shit that is so-bad-I-can't-believe-I-wasted-my-money-to-see-it that you have to wonder how the fuck it got approved and funded...

Make that one 'worst' category...


When do we start nominating things?
