Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham (featuring Wolverham) #1
Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
Artists: Mike Wieringo & Mike Manley, Nick Dragotta, John Severin, Skottie Young, Jim Mahfood, Ariel Olivetti, Clayton Crain, Laurence Campbell, Chris Girarrusso, Todd Nauck & Robert Campanella, and Sean Phillips

From Marvel.com:
    You asked for it, you got it! Quite possibly the most important comic ever! A life-changing event that will change the way you look at yourself and the world around you! Spinning out of the page of CIVIL WAR -- and every other top-selling comic crossover event you can think of – it’s ULTIMATE CIVIL WAR SPIDER-HAM FRISIS (FEATURING WOLVER-HAM)!!! He’s little, he’s pink, he knows how to bring home the bacon. He’s Spider-Ham – and he’s about to embark a kaleidoscopic, time-spanning, universe-shifting journey that will prove just how big a pig he really is. Guest-starring: Iron Ham, Deviled Ham, Fantastic Ham, Green Ham, Ant-Ham, Ultimate Captain Ham, Hambit, Hamneto, and everyone’s favorite Sorcerer Supreme -- whathisface? You know, the guy with the blue tights and red cape…Mustache…Man-servant named Wong? -- anyway, you know who I’m talking about. He’s in it, too. And Wolver-Ham – did I mention him?

Chewy's review:
    Spider-Ham has reached stagnation. He's run out of ideas... probably because he's lost his thought balloons. Now on a quest to find his thought balloons (and, with it, his purpose), our plucky porcine hero wanders smack dab into the middle of Marvel's 'Civil War'.

    However, things go wrong when Dr. Strange attempts to set things right and sends Spider-Ham spiraling through several dimensions, starting with Apocalypse Now and evolving into Hammy taking the form of several Marvel heroes. (The last one is the best. Seriously, the last page - in my mind - was worth the price of admission alone.)

    True fans of Marvel will likely really appreciate the humor which tends to be a bit on the obvious side, I thought. I found it very similar to the Plastic Man 38-Page Special that Ty Templeton wrote a number of years ago. But, then... I liked that. While showcasing some amazing art, Straczynski attempts a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the state of modern comics (lack of thought balloons and speaking on covers, etc.) which really kinda fizzles out. In that way, it reminded me of Ambush Bug without the punch.

    Still, the book itself was amusing and, as I said earlier, worth the $2.99 cover price (or $3.75 for TTT and Klinton) if for no other reason than the last page. I mean, I laughed.

Spinner Rack rating: (of five)