Variety is reporting that Marvel Studios has announced Edward Norton will take on the role of Bruce Banner in "The Incredible Hulk," which is currently set for theatrical release on July 13, 2008.
Norton takes over the role from Eric Bana who starred as the man you don't want to make angry in "Hulk," the 2003 film directed by Ang Lee.
"The Incredible Hulk" seeks to relaunch the character as a possible franchise by taking the character in a different direction from Lee's dark, angst-ridden version and keeping closer to the characters comic book and television roots in action and adventure.
Written by Zak ("Elektra," "X2," "X-Men: The Last Stand") Penn, the new film finds Banner on the run as he seeks to cure himself of the condition that causes him to turn into a gigantic green monster.
Norton has most recently appeared in the period pieces "The Illusionist" and "The Painted Veil" and recently announced that he'll write, direct and star in the film version of Jonathan ("Omega The Unknown") Lethem's book "Motherless Brooklyn."
Louis Leterrier of "The Transporter" films will direct.
Sweet. First Downey for Tony Stark, and now this. It looks like someone at Marvel films is finally starting to figure out how to cast these films.
I couldn't stand the first Hulk film. Hopefully, this one will be done right