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Joined: Sep 2006
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As someone who used to be heavily involved with the behind the scenes work of the RDCW, here is what I think of Snarf's latest work. This: Quote:
King Snarf said: We come back from commercial to see King Snarf standing in the ring!
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It's great to be back! Now, tonight, I'm sure you want to see some slam bang action between me and Sammitch! You want to see high spots, stiff shots, and, to be precise a flat out brawl! *pop from the audience* Well, one thing I can promise you is that tonight, unlike those other wrestling shows, you'll see a decisive winner! No bullshit endings like the ref throwing the match out. No, you'll see a undisputed winner, I promise you! And I can guaran-damn-tee that, because tonight... I forfeit. *crowd boos* My reasons are my own. So Sammitch, enjoy the victory! *King Snarf winks at the camera with faux sincerity.* And just to reiterate, you fans do NOT get the privilege of seeing me wrestle tonight, and if you're not down with that, I got two words for ya....
That's unfortunate.
Marcum: Jeez Louise! He can't even end it in a catchy fashion!
*King Snarf leaves the Cheesedome amidst crowd boos*
Could have been brilliant. It was the perfect promo for Snarf's character, and his angle. There is no denying that. The problem is that it appears this was not what he and Sammitch had worked out for their match. If it was, then Paragon should not have stepped in, but I doubt he would have because someone would have told him this was the angle. Obviously, what happened here was a severe lack of communication by Snarf to his match partner, and that is the real insult.
Snarf, if this is how you want to play a feud with Sammitch, you've got to tell him this is how you want to play it, and you have to tell him how long and how far you want to take it before you finally have the big match (I'm guessing at the PPV). Since you did not respect Sammitch and his character, you got screwed with the same disrespect for your own character, and beaten down by your opponent in the war of promos. Now, you'll probably get squashed in the match, and thrown out of the RDCW. All you'll be left with is posting promos no one cares about because you have no one left to care.