well this is my first time folks so be gentle...
Wrestler name: Krazed
Apperance: Always in either a black or white wife-beater with matching sweats(or PJ's if im feeling lazy...) many times with the right pant leg rolled up to the knee. Black knee socks and white or black nikes usually matching the wife-beater.
Personal entrance music: Come with me-by P.Diddy (featuring Jimmy Page)
Moves List: Im a High Flyer so lots of speed and of course moves comming from above.
Signature moves:
Frequent flyer-Executed when I jumps from the turnbuckle (or some other raised platform) and hit a standing opponent with a thrust kick in mid-air.
knight, knight-a flying knee drop of the turnbuckle delivered to an opponent either standing up or laying on the ground
The klincher-a basic submission hold where I get my leg scissors over the opponent's shoulder and using leverage on the arm with my arms.
Kaos - leaping from the top turnbuckle, flipping forward 270°, and landing on the opponent back-first (Usually my finisher)
Affiliaton-West Side Rollers baby