Chris just wanted to be lazy. He figured put in a couple months of not so legal work and be done with it. Rent was due and he was starting to panic. He needed money now. Every time the phone rang or he heard a knock on the door he would break out in a cold sweat.

He had known Vivian was out again and she was probably looking to stir up more trouble. They had worked in the past and for the most part it had worked out but he knew something would happen to him eventually.

Of course, as he was thinking this he noticed something slide under his door. The envelope had a cell phone, a plane ticket and a note from Vivian saying she'll call him when his plane lands. He hated being left in the dark about everything but he knew he'd play along. He hated himself for being such a pushover.

He wanted to ignore it but he knew Vivian will get her way eventually. The stupid bitch always did.

He thought to himself this time would be quick and then he could go back to ignoring the outside world and get some more peace and quiet.