A valet hurried over to the door of his van as Redjack pulled up to the hotel. "I'm just unloading for now. I'll park it myself when I'm done checking in." The valet barely paused before hurrying off to another vehicle pulling up.
"You rented that?"
He was already smiling as he turned around. "No, Vivian. I drove it here."
"You drove?"
"From Chicago."
"Oh, you know me. I could never get the hang of packing light." He pulled a hanging bag and a rolling suitcase out of the passenger door and they headed inside.
"I remember, now that you mention it."
"So, messing with Seth?"
"Holding this get together here."
"If I am, the bastard deserves it."
"You realize I hate it here too."
"And yet it's still worth it."
"I hope so." He walked up to the check in desk. "Reservation for Jack Bard." Redjack produced an ID confirming that he was Jack Bard of Elgin, Illinois as well as a credit card under the same name. He completed the check in and headed away from the desk. "So, where is he?"
"Negotiating with someone who may be joining us."
"Huh, that never was his strong suit."
"But it keeps him out of trouble."
"Well, get yourself settled in."
"Yeah, I've got a place set up to stash the van while we're here. If you see Seth, have him stop by. I have something for him that may help him cope with being in this city a little better."
"We'll see what kind of mood I'm in when I see him."