"Redjack, could you show Seth what you were talking about? Maybe that'll calm him down."
Redjack lead Seth outside.
Seth lit a cigarette when he got outside. "I hate this fucking city"
"I know what you mean."
"I was gonna go across the river to a storage place. You interested in taking a ride?"
They got in and Redjack made his way toward the Lincoln Tunnel.
"So, I see you got a new war wagon."
"I wish you wouldn't call it that. It makes me sound like some kind of gun nut."
"Like a look around the back wouldn't give the same impression."
"I'm a professional and they are my tools."
"They have names, don't they?"
"Not all of them."
"Heh. So, we're going to Hoboken? Place is full of fags."
"If nothing else it's not New York. You know what I say."
"Yeah. 'The best thing about New Jersey is it isn't New York.' Right?"
"And the best thing about New York is it isn't New Jersey. So, in honor of our mutual dislike of New York, I'm going to make a generous offer."
"I was hoping you'd say that. You got a Walther P-38?"
"You always had a weakness for the classics. Yeah, there's one back there somewhere."
"How about an Uzi?"
"I'll break out the big stuff when we're on the job. I'm just offering you something to carry with you for now."
"Oh, all right." They emerged from the tunnel into exotic New Jersey.
"Y'know, this isn't really that much of an improvement."
"Well, my friend, when we get there this will all be worthwile." They arrived at the storage garage and Redjack opened the back of the van. "The P-38 should be right around here."
He pulled it out along with a holster and handed it to Seth. "Looks like you have enough to arm everyone."
"I'll tell you one thing. I'm not arming Chris." He pulled out a Glock 23 and put it into a holster under his jacket. "Guy's so twitchy I'd be better off arming the opposition."
"He has his uses."
"Sure he does, I just don't want him behind me with a loaded weapon." Redjack had pulled out a bag and was placing ammo inside as well as a Desert Eagle XIX.
"You planning on shooting an elephant?"
"Best to be prepared, in case one shows up." Redjack used his cellphone to call for a cab and he carefully locked up the van and the storage locker.
They went out to the sidewalk to wait for the cab and a short, pale guy went skipping by singing "I'm gonna have some gay sex! I'm gonna have some gay sex!"
"I hate this fucking place too."
"I know what you mean."
Last edited by notwedge; 2007-04-23 9:44 PM.