"Aaron has a big mouth," Leigh thought as she stopped short of running into the lobby and into her old crew. She had managed to see them there in the lobby - "like sitting targets," she thought - before they saw her. They were frantically looking around, looking a bit perturbed, and Leigh immediately stood post behind a pillar to avoid being seen. One look at them and she immediately knew that they were looking for her. "They know that I know they're here. And the only one I told was Aaron. Serves me right for reaching out to him," she thought angrily. "But that means that son of a bitch is nearby too."

Lurking behind the pillar she was hidden, yet was able to observe her former crew. Vivian looked the same - a bit thinner and paler - but there was no mistaking her. Sam was looking around - no doubt for her - and Chris looked perplexed. Seth and her brother were nowhere to be found.

This was it. She should walk up to them while they looked around a bit frantic. Fuck it - what was the worst that could happen? "Shoot out at the Hilton" - story at 11. She smirked at her own macabre sense of humor. "Ok," she thought, "just do this."

She made a motion to start heading in their direction when she felt a hand go through her hair and tug her head backwards from behind. Her body would have fallen backwards and onto the floor, except she was pulled roughly against someone. Her skin bristled and hatred filled her as Seth's sarcastic whisper filled her ear.

"Why, sugar, what took you so long? Come to join the party?"