Even after Leigh had pleaded for some sanity in the group - they would get killed; Vivian was more, concerned with revenge than the money; etc. - they decided to go through with it.

No, she thought later on when they were already on their way, Aaron decided to go through with it, laid out the plan, and they had all followed. We may not trust each other, she thought wryly, but we trust that man's intelligence.


They were still in the zoo and Leigh had reluctantly accepted that this heist was going to happen. And though she was loathe to admit it, the though of getting back in the game secretly gave her a thrill.

"Fine, if we're headed to our doom, we're gonna need a way to get there," Leigh said. " I'm heading back to my place to pick up a few things and I'll meet you ..."

"Oh, there's no way in hell you're going by yourself." Aaron said. " We're going together."

Leigh looked at him sharply, her patience worn thin. "Let's get something straight - I don't need a shadow and if my ass is getting involved in this, you - and - mean all of you" she said looking at each of them, "are going to have to trust me - even a little."

Vivian snickered loudly.

Leigh turned to her, "You don't like it little girl, you can do this without me and my money. I seem to recall how well that worked out for you last time.". Leigh said her voice laced with sarcasm.

"Viv," Seth began seeing the rage in her eyes...

"Shut up." Viv snapped and then was quiet.

Leigh said, "I thought so." And turned her and headed west exiting the park on her way to 15 CPW.


In the end, they followed her anyway. She didn't protest. They entered the penthouse, all a little surprised at how well Leigh had done with her laundered money.

"Damn, girl, you've done nice for yourself," Sam said as he appraised the original Tarkays and Ertes on the foyer walls.

Like a heat seeking missile that had found it source, Seth immediately headed to the bar and opened the mini fridge underneath.

"No beer?". He asked, looking completely horrified at this discovery.

"But plenty of scotch and whiskey," Viv noted with a sneer.

"My kinda woman," said Chris as he made a b-line for the liquor.

"I'm sorry, Viv, I didn't know you were coming, otherwise I would've stocked up on the shirley temples" Leigh said condescendingly.

"Oh, your taste in liquor doesn't surprise me. Nor does you taste in apartments, art and ... men," Vivian said that last part with emphasis. "It must be nice being rich."

"Honey, I'm not rich" Leigh said and then paused "...I'm very rich. And as for this 'Yankee condo' it certainly beats living in a southern prison. The reason I'm here and you've spent two years rotting there fighting to keep from becoming someone's bitch is not just because Seth deserted you," Seth bristled at this, but Leigh continued, " but really because I think ahead and make sure I know that what's coming around the corner won't bite me in the ass. You didn't find out you were getting paroled until 24 hours ago. I knew you were getting paroled 2 months ago. And that's just one example. There are just soooo many others..."

With that statement hanging in the air, Leigh turned on her heel and walked into her office while Chris grabbed Viv to keep her from going after Leigh.

"Calm down, Viv we don't have to like her, but we need her..."


Leigh went through her office getting the keys, butterfly knife, which she strapped to her ankle, cash, and her passport.

"Going somewhere?"

Leigh looked up, a little surprised at first and then appraised Aaron coolly.

"I don't see how that is any of your concern."

"Oh, but it is. Things go bad, you leave me to face the cops while you end up on a beach where there are no extradition laws...you see how I find this to be my 'concern'..."

Leigh sighed and her response wasn't heated or angry, just resigned. "We've been through this Aaron. Too many times for me to count. I don't have the energy to fight with you again. I've told you the truth. Believe what you want. But I'm not giving up my key out of this if this plan of yours goes south. Now get out of my way. We have a job to do."

Aaron watched her approach and then walk past him back into the lion's den and didn't say a word.


"Shotgun!" Seth yelled as they slid into Redjack's war machine.

It had been decided that they would split up - Seth, Leigh and Redjack in the war machine; Chris, Viv and Sam in Leigh's Mercedes. Aaron said he had some "business" to take care of and would meet up with them later. No one argued with him.

Leigh had given up the keys to her car without protest, as she wanted to talk to her brother. Besides, if things went badly what happened to the car wouldn't matter anyway.

Redjack got behind the wheel as Seth winked at Leigh savoring his mini triumph of getting the shotgun seat. Did he justwink at me?, she thought. Smug bastard.

The doors slammed and Redjack put the key in the ignition. Seth was adjusting his long legs when without warning the Gucci belt looped around his neck and made taking his next breath a little harder.

"I believe you have something that belongs to me. I want it back." Leigh said matter of factly.

"You wouldn't dare." Seth said, catching her eye in the rearview mirror.

Leigh didn't need to be asked twice. With all her might she pulled on the ends of the belt she had discreetly slipped off as Seth frantically reached backwards trying to grab her; but she had leaned back far enough to stay out of his reach.

Redjack watched this impassively. They may not have grown up together, but in the last few years that they had known about each other, he and his sister had bonded. He trusted her, and knew she would do the same thing for him.

He waited.

"Red, baby, would you get my glock for me please?"

Redjack reached over, and despite Seth's struggle, managed to pull the glock out in one move. He reached back to hand it to his sister and she released her pull on the Gucci.

"Thanks, Red". Her brother just nodded.

Seth was coughing, gasping for air and rubbing his neck while Leigh checked the magazine. Then she smacked Seth upside the head. Hard.

"What the fuck was THAT for?" He gasped.

"That was for copping a feel while stealing this from me!"

Seth looked at Redjack incredulously, while he wheezed and took in deep breaths. "You weren't... going... to stop... her?"

"What can I say? She's got daddy's temper." Redjack said somewhat amused.

"Fuck this. I'm not staying in this car with you two crazy fuckers," Seth said as he got out of the car and headed to Viv's car.

"I'm glad he's gone. We need to talk," Leigh said as she took Seth's place and slid into the passenger seat.

"Indeed," Redjack said, looking over at his sister. Softly he asked, "Ramos taught you that move didn't he, Leigh?"

Leigh looked at her brother with sorrow and then turned her head and looked away.

"You can't understand what went on, Red," she said sadly. "You don't know what happened."

"Then tell me."

And she did.