Aaron had arrived while the girls were out, and met up with the rest of the crew while they were appraising boats.

"Can we out run Ramos in one of these?" Chris asked as Sam was looking over the controls.

"I doubt it." Sam responded.

"Well, if we do our respective jobs right, we won't have to." Aaron finished, handing out various packets to each of them.

"You've all worked together before, you should still know what's expected of each of you." Aaron leaned back into a chair. It was not as comfortable as what he'd once been used to. He allowed himself a small flicker of hope that would change soon before putting it out of his mind.

"Sam's our point man. He goes in first, shuts down all communications. Takes care of any guards." Seth started almost immediately falling back into the old role felt like a comfortable pair of worn boots.

"Very good, Seth. You did learn something in my employ." Aaron smirked.

"I learned a lot more than you want to admit to. Chris is our lookout. He keeps watch while the mission is underway. If things go bad, it's up to him to give us our heads up. Redjack will be our "insurance policy." Will we're inside he plants explosives around Ramos' place. When we're out, we give the signal and Jack does his thing."

"Which leaves you, me, and the girls to get inside, do the dirty work, and get out. Think we can do that without leaving anyone behind this time?" Aaron was needling Seth a little bit more, but there was a point. He wanted to see if Seth was going to let himself get pushed into an emotional corner, or if he was still capable of keeping his cool under pressure.

"Well, I think we can as long as someone isn't still feeling so sorry for themself that they decide they want to get caught again." Seth responded without missing a beat. He knew what Aaron was going for and wasn't going to let his buttons get pushed.

Redjack had been watching the exchange and now spoke up. "Are we sure we want Chris on lookout? Kid's kinda jumpy. I'm not comfortable with him having a piece, let alone watching over us all on this."

"We can't let paranoia start sinking in now. We have to get on the clock and put our "game faces" on." Aaron wasn't going to let emotions jeopardize this chance.

"Besides it's too late to find someone else. He'll do ok." Seth almost finished the thought.

"And if he does turn on us. . ." Aaron went on.

"He's shark bait." Seth and Jack said simultaneously. Aaron cracked a lopsided grin as Seth and Jack burst out laughing.

"What the hell are they laughing at back there?" Chris wondered.

"Probably something about Leigh and Vivian in a pool of jello or some other bullshit letter to Penthouse thing. You ever driven a boat before, kid?" Sam motioned for Chris to take the wheel. "Take us around the dock one time, I want to get a feel for how this baby handles."