"I need a moment alone with Leigh," Aaron said in a very serious tone.
Seth held Redjack back and led him to the back door, "I could use a smoke myself." Chris and Sam uneasily followed them out.
When the door had shut, Aaron began again. "What is it exactly that you're trying to do here?"
"I'm trying to help," Leigh responded.
"No you're not. You haven't tried to help anyone here since you brought yourself in." He walked up to her. "You started off by trying to convince everyone that this was a bad idea. When that didn't work, you began to tag along and cozy up to the people you thought you could most easily manipulate."
"That's not...," she cried out.
"I know about your and Redjack's conversations, and I'm pretty sure you and Viv had a little girl bonding time in town. You're moving in close and working on destabilizing the team. I want to know why you're so scared of Ramos."
Leigh crossed her arms. She wouldn't even look at Aaron as she answered. "I'm not scared of him."
"The hell you're not. Two days ago, you called me in a panic. Then you went to the Hilton with a loaded gun knowing you were going to be outnumbered. Not to mention that you've spent the past two years hiding in your New York penthouse. You know damn well that we've got to get on that boat beforehand or else this is just some sloppy smash and grab heist where people are going to die, yet you're doing your damnedest to keep that from happening."
"It's dangerous."
"It's what's necessary to keep people from dieing, and you know it. We've got to be on that ship, and Ramos and his men are going to be looking for Vivian and probably you if they ever find out that you're missing from the social scene of Manhattan. Now I want to know why this guy has you so scared. And I don't want any bullshit story were you're the frail female victim of it all. We both know better than that. Give me the truth."