Vivian looked up from her book. It was noon. She hadn't eaten. Fuck, she groaned. She pulled up the cellphone Aaron had given her and looked up the number for the deli she had found last night. She didn't remember much before getting drunk, but she remembered they had some menu items she'd wanted to test out. Where the fuck did I put that menu? She glanced around at the kitchen. It was spotless. Is everybody working? Shit. . .might as well make it a large order.


Gulls cried in the distance as she walked along the pier down to the boat. Redjack was looking at the engine. He seemed to be showing something in it to Chris. Chris nodded as Redjack made several motions with his hands. Is Chris actually making an attempt to learn something? Huh. Imagine that.

Leigh was seated off to the side of the two men, flipping through a newspaper. Vivian sat next to her. "I ordered lunch for everyone."

Leigh looked up. "The deli we found? What did you order?"

Vivian nodded. "Just basic stuff. I didn't feel like getting too indepth."

"Hangover?" Leigh asked.

Vivian nodded again. She looked around the pier. She didn't see Sam, Seth, or Aaron.

"Aaron's checking back over our trails to make sure we're covered. Again." Leigh flipped over the paper. "Sam is. . .who the fuck knows. . ." Flip. "Seth's down at the end of the pier."

"Oh." Vivian nodded. She realized she was doing that a lot and made a mental note to stop. She would probably ignore that thought later.

"He didn't lay a hand on you." Leigh looked up from the paper. She couldn't tell if Vivian was relieved or insulted. Vivian wasn't too sure herself.

"I need more coffee." was all she said before getting up and walking back to the house.


Two cups of coffee later, she made her way out to the end of the pier. She saw him sitting there on the edge, his feet dangling over the water. He was looking out into the distance. But at what she didn't know. There was nothing she could see but water.

"I ordered lunch. It'll be here soon."

"Not hungry." He tossed a rock into the water. It disappeared.

"I thought you'd be working with Jack on the boat." She proffered.

"Needs parts. Had to be ordered." He tossed another rock into the ocean. It sank, too. This game wasn't very exciting.

She could tell he hadn't slept. "Thanks for letting me sleep in your room last night."

He turned to look up at her, squinting in the light. "You didn't really leave me much choice."

"You could've done something about it."

"Don't think it didn't cross my mind."

"Why didn't you?"

"Lots of reasons." He looked back out at the ocean. "You were drunk. We're not married anymore. It would've lead to more problems and complications. I'm a bastard. But I'm not a fucking bastard."

"I'm starved. Food'll be here shortly. Come eat with us." She half turned, waiting for his response.

"Might." Was all that was offered.