<King Snarf relaxes in the back of the cab, rather pleased with himself...>

Cabbie: <without turning around, in heavy Pakistandianabic accent> Are you are paying to riding somewhere sir?

KS: Whaaaaaaaaaa?

Cabbie: My cab is not sofa sir! You get inside, you pay, I drive! This okay?

KS: Yeah, sure. Take me home.

Cabbie: Yes very well, sir!

<The cab begins to pull away and around the Cheesedome...>

KS: Those chumps thought they could tell me what to do. That's rich! Lookit these clothes! You think I let anyone tell me what to wear? Lookit!

<The cabbie doesn't turn, only nods...>

KS: Anyway, get on the turnpike and head... Hey! Aren't yo ugoing to pull out of the parking lot?

Cabbie: What are you saying sir? <In addition to his accent, the unimaginably bushy mustache and beard and ginormous aviators worn by the cab driver further obscure his speech, not to mention his face...>

KS: I didn't even tell you where to go yet! You're just driving in circles around the Cheesedome!

<no response...>

KS: I'm paying you money to drive me home!

<no response...>

KS: I'm PAYING YOU MONEY to... you know what? Screw this. You're creeping me out. I'll just take the bus. Let me out!

<Obligingly, the cabbie pulls the car up to a service entrance and stops. Snarf tries the handle but it won't open from the inside...>

KS: What the hell?

Cabbie: Very sorry sir! I am having child lock so people are not jumping out of my cab before they are paying me money fare! <unfastens seat belt...> I will come and let you out sir!

<King Snarf waits impatiently as the rather large driver hops out and walks around to the door. The driver opens the door and offers a hand to help Snarf out, which he predictably refuses. Undeterred, the driver grabs a fistful of Snarf's shirt and yanks him bodily out of the cab...>

KS: Hey! What the? Do you have any idea who you're...

<The driver pins Snarf against the cab with one beefy arm and with the other, peels off the aviators and fake facial hair to reveal...>


<The trunk inexplicably opens from the inside and Killconey emerges. Chewy secures Snarf's arms with his unwrapped turban as Killconey grabs the legs of the furious King Snarf...>


<The pair make their way into the service entrance carrying Snarf...>

KS: If you think you can just manhandle me like this and make me wrestle, you've got another thing coming!

<Chewy and Killconey travel down the tunnel, through the backstage door, and into the arena to the cheers of the fans...>

Marcum: Lookit this! They got King Snarf!

Monroe: Snarf certainly doesn't look very regal at the moment!

<Still lugging King Snarf like so much luggage, Chewy and Killconey parade him down the ramp as AC/DC's TNT continues playing in the Cheesedome...>

Llawler: Well, I doubt he was ever master of his domain anyway! I can tell, you know!


<Reaching the apron in front of the announcer's table, the pair finally unties King Snarf's hands and unceremoniously dumps him to the arena floor. Snarf looks at a rather expensive-looking pair of Italian shoes, then looks up to see Doc Paragon with a bemused smirk on his face...>

DP: Thank you, gentlemen. Excellent performance, Mister Walrus.

CW: Acting!

DP: Now, where were we? Oh, yes. I believe you have a match tonight! And while your repeated attempts to weasel out of said match are pathetically amusing, once you've booked an appointment, there's no cancellation policy in the Cheesedome!

<Huge pops from the crowd...>

DP: Now, thanks to the generosity of our commentators and these two enforcers, I believe you have a seat saved at the announcers' table here at ringside... where you will remain until such time as your match against Captain Sammitch is about to begin.

KS: But... but... what if I have to go???

Llawler: I gotta bottle with your name on it, big boy!


<Pops... music... fade... aweshome...>