Tag Team Match – Masked Avengers vs. Chewy Walrus and Killconey

<The lights in the Cheesedome come up and the Masked Avengers make their way to the ring…>

Monroe: Well, here we go! We’re about to find out who’s rusty after all that down time and who’s ready to wrestle!

Marcum: These guys look pretty ready to me, Mike Monroe!

Llawler: You can say that again!

Fat Retard: Alacrity!

Marcum: Did he just say alacrity???

Monroe: Let it go…

King Snarf: I wanna go home…

<AC/DC’s ‘TNT’ blares throughout the Cheesedome, and the crowd leaps to their feet as Chewy Walrus and Killconey make their way to the ring, accompanied by Sweet Marlene…>

Monroe: Looks like the crowd has been looking forward to these guys!

Snarf: Yeah, we’ll see how loud they’re cheering after the match…

<James White rings the bell to start the match. Brad Lee starts off against Chewy Walrus and puts up a pretty good fight, but before long Chewy wears him down with close-range poundings and tags Killconey in. Brad handles Killconey a little more easily and gets him on the ropes early, but when he tries to grapple him for The Three Deaths, Killconey manages to escape and tags Chewy back in. Assessing the situation, Brad returns to his corner and tags in Archer…>

Monroe: Looks like a pretty even match so far…

Fat Retard: Parsimonious!

Llawler: And I didn’t even know I could be creeped out!

Snarf: This match is boring! Not a cheap shot or low blow to be seen anywhere! <Snarf gets out of his seat and starts to head for the ramp but finds it blocked off by Paragon’s security detail. He looks around the perimeter of the floor and sees security blocking off all the exits…> Damn! I suppose I’m stuck here…

<In the ring, Archer and Chewy Walrus are slugging it out pretty hard. Archer has a speed advantage over the bigger Chewy, so Chewy attempts to back Archer into a corner. Brad Lee is standing on the apron watching intently until Snarf sneaks up from behind and yanks Brad down by one leg. Brad tumbles to the arena floor as Snarf bounds away, cackling with glee. He makes it about halfway down the ring before bumping into Killconey, and the two fall over in a tangle of limbs. Slow to get up, Brad Lee doesn’t see Snarf right away, and assumes it was Killconey who yanked him off the apron. He charges over and starts duking it out with the smaller Killconey as Snarf slinks away…>

Monroe: And we’ve got some commotion at ringside! Killconey and Brad Lee are fighting outside the ring while Chewy Walrus and Archer are battling it out in the ring!

<Snarf, looking very pleased with himself, turns his attention to the action in the ring. Chewy flings Archer into the ropes, but Archer manages to duck under the Walrus Wallop and regroups in his corner. Catching his breath, he doesn’t notice Snarf sneaking up behind him in an attempt to pull him out of the ring until Snarf gets ahold of one of Archer’s feet. Archer spins around and kicks his leg free, even managing to kick Snarf in the chest and knock him back. Distracted, he turns around just in time to be caught off balance by the Walrus Tusk!>

Monroe: BUHGAWB!

<Caught off guard and unable to catch the ropes to break his fall, Archer slams into the post behind him, the back of his head rebounding sharply off it. As Chewy gets to his feet, Archer rolls over, clearly concussed. He attempts to get to his feet but collapses and tumbles out of the ring…>

Marcum: He could be out cold!

Llawler: Just the way I like ‘em!

<Chewy turns around and sees Brad Lee pummeling Killconey outside the ring. He heads that way to intervene, but Snarf intercepts him with a kidney punch from behind! The shot barely fazes Chewy, though, who spins around and shoves Snarf back, then comes after him…>

Monroe: And we’ve got mayhem at ringside!

<Chewy and Snarf slug it out as Killconey attempts to defend himself from Brad’s onslaught, while the apparently unconscious Archer lies just outside the ring, unmoving. Lothar starts counting to ten…>

Marcum: There’s nobody even in the ring!

<Sure enough, Lothar gets all the way to ten and signals for the bell!>

James White: Ladies and gentlemen, the match has been declared a draw due to a double ring-out.

<The crowd boos, clearly unhappy with the derailment of the match…>

Marcum: King Snarf did it! He busted up the match!

Monroe: The former heavyweight champion could be following through on his promise to ‘make the RDCW lame’!

<Security breaks up the fighting at ringside and hauls Snarf back to his seat between Llawler and Fat Retard. Brad Lee goes to check on Archer, who seems to be coming to. Chewy Walrus and Killconey angrily storm up the ramp and out of the arena. King Snarf simply looks on, beaming with pride at his handiwork…>

Monroe: A pitched tag battle erupts into ringside brawling and ends in a double-disqualification! How will these four men settle what has to be some serious bad blood between them? Stay tuned!

<Fade to black…>