
Pariah said:
Rob, my dear boy. I have not a single beef with anyone who wants to make money. However, if Nintendo would like to expand beyond their current tedium, they should take a lesson from their rival, Sony, and invest in making more franchises and character varieties instead of whoring the same character over and over again.

ps3's titles, my dear... y'know... you, are filled with sequels, just as much as the next guy's. new worlds and genres and titles aren't as common place as they used to be, because development costs have grown exponentially.

however, that doesn't mean nintendo hasn't developed or hosted any new IPs in the past few years. its quite the opposite; fire emblem, disaster, brain age, wii sports/play, conker, project hammer, pikmin, nintendogs, animal crossing, baten kaitos, advance / batallion wars, eternal darkness, viewtiful joe, blue, etc.

there are a large number of new worlds, new "art", you just don't notice those as much as the "mario" ones.


Pariah said:
Investing in Manhunt 2, for example, was the one of the only smart decisions they've made so far with the Wii.

a sequel!

giant picture