
harleykwin said:
Did we see the same movie?


The only thing that I might agree with you is that Sandman was superfluous. And even that wasn’t enough to detract from my enjoyment of the movie. As for Stan Lee’s cameo – it’s Stan Lee for fuck’s sake! His cameo is s’posed to come with a big vat ‘o cheese. That cannot seriously be considered a legitimate gripe.

I don't have an issue with a Stan Lee cameo per se. But put that together with the ridiculous shot of Spider-Man in front of the American flag and that ridiculous "Key To The City" ceremony and every other forced, rushed, wasteful, heavy-handed thing about this flick and the Stan Lee cameo just becomes another eye-rolling moment.


As for MJ and Pete’s drama – I completely disagree with you. I thought it made totally sense, and to me, it did not seem forced at all. The angle with Harry and the jealousy also worked well and was in line with the comics- as was his death. The whole symbiote lead up was well done, even if the Venom part seemed a little rushed. And as NWM said, was there a body? No. And this is comic books for crying out loud – like a comic book death is ever permanent. I honestly can’t believe that so many of you found so many faults with this movie and found no enjoyment from it whatsoever.

The whole drama was forced and rushed, mostly because Sam had so much stuff to work in that he never gave himself the chance to develop anything fully. MJ's jealousy (towards Peter AND towards Gwen) is almost completely illogical - she comes off as a complete bitch, particularly if you saw the first two flicks and remember how much shit Peter goes through in them. Harry's little plan to attack Peter was brilliantly done but, again, it deserves its own movie. Either do Venom or do Green Goblin 2, but don't do both AND shoehorn in Sandman for no reason (besides a CG budget that allows for it).

I've already addressed Venom's death/"death". Whether he's really dead or just fake dead is moot. It's a waste of a character and lazy writing. There are ways to end a superhero movie that DOESN'T involve killing the villain.

What can I tell you? It was forty-five minutes of rambling plot disguised as "set-up" followed by an hour and fifteen minutes of scrambling to a conclusion that was disappointing and unsatisfying, kinda like what sex with Nowhereman must be like, minus an hour and fifty-five minutes (oooh, snap!). Can you honestly say you thought that the butler's "big revelation" was anything but deus ex machina designed to force a team-up that under no other circumstances would happen?

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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