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#805951 2007-05-09 8:19 PM
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Havok opens with a montage of the events from last week’s show: The Family Feud battle royal, Snarf’s shenanigans in both the tag match and his own match with Sammitch, and the West Side Rollers beatdowns on Ghost Hog and Grimm, and Joe Mama’s rescue of Grimm.

“More Human than Human” plays up as Havok’s opening credits roll.

Mike Monroe: Fans, we’ve got the fallout from last week’s controversial Havok! Our main event tonight, a HUGE tag team match as Joe Mama and Grimm will team up for the first time EVAR to face two of the West Side Rollers, Krazed and Big Pimp Tim!

MarcuM: And they’re gonna get beat! Another guy who’s back for a West Side style beatdown is Ghost Hog! He’s going up against WSR member, J!

Monroe: What was with the gestures that Big Pimp Tim was making to Schwarz last week?

MarcuM: Obviously, he knows that Schwarz needs a real man! Not some goof in a white robe!

Monroe: Speaking of goofs, King Snarf has to team up with the Masked Avengers this week!

MarcuM: Snarf should not have to soil his royal hands with their opponents, Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus, and Killconey! It's disgraceful!

Monroe: Maybe so, it's his actions that lead to Doc Paragon making the match!

MarcuM: Abuse of power if I've ever seen it!

Monroe: Another matchup, The Million & Pitbull Charlie returns to action against Spandex Monkey Man of the MWO!

MarcuM: Charlie’s gonna turn Spamm into banana pudding!
Monroe: Murtazin and Banditoshu will finally square off one on one!

MarcuM: My money’s on Banditoshu!

Monroe: It would be. . .Let’s head to James White for the opening contest! The Hardcore Family Feud!

MarcuM: The Oakleys take on the Mopius Family!
Hardcore Family Feud
single choice
The Oakleys (7%, 4 Votes)
The Mopius Family (93%, 50 Votes)
Total Votes: 54
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 5:00 PM
Drug Seller Rivalry!
single choice
Murtazin (96%, 52 Votes)
Banditoshu (4%, 2 Votes)
Total Votes: 54
Voting on this poll ends: 2025-03-13 5:00 PM

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6 Man Tag

King Snarf and the Masked Avengers


Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus, and Killconey

Singles Match
Million $ Pitbull Charlie


Spandex Monkey Man w/MWO

Grudge Match
Ghost Hog

J w/West Side Rollers

EPIC Grudge Tag Match
Joe Mama and Grimm

Big Pimp Tim and Krazed

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Monroe: "We have word that Robin Lucious is backstage with our new GM, Doc Paragon! Robin?

Cut to backstage as Robin stands next to Paragon.

RL: "Thanks, Mike. As you can see, I do have our new General Manager here with us. Dr. Paragon, I understand you wanted to comment on the World title situation for our fans."

DP: "That's right, Robin. As you saw last week, Joe Mama remains the RDCW World Champion, having won the title at Halloween Handjobs last year. Now the board of directors did consider holding a tournament to determine a new champion. But it was decided that as it wasn't Joe Mama's fault that the company shut down, that he be given the chance to continue on as champion, and see if he was up to the challenge.

Now we are watching every singles match very closely in determining who should get the first shot at the title and who will be incontention in the months to come."

RL: "Is this why you were so involved last week in handling King Snarf's antics?"

DP: "It is, indeed. King Snarf's ongoing attempts to in his words "make the RDCW lame" are obviously counterproductive to our goals of bringing the fans the most exciting, active promotion out there. Thus, my need to take a stand and rein in him as much as possible.

King Snarf, I'm going to say this directly to you. I WILL be keeping an eye on you at all times. If you attempt to forfeit a match again, it will result in your immediate suspension without pay from this promotion. You want to wrestle a "boring" style, well I'm sure you'll have no lack of opponents who'll have their own say about that.

You want to interfere in other's matches, well, again, I'm sure they'll have their own say in that matter, as well. One final thing. You want to keep testing me, we'll I'm not too old to pull out my ring gear and lace up the boots one more time. Class can still come into session."

RL: "What about the West Side Roller's post match attacks on Ghost Hog and Grimm last week?"

DP: "Well, Robin, it was decided in this instance to attempt to handle things in the ring. Ghost Hog and Grimm will have the opportunity to handle things that way. If the West Side Rollers become too unmanagable, the board will step in. But all things considered, I think the fans prefer to see conflicts resolved in the squared circle. I know I do."

RL: "Thanks for your time, Dr. Paragon."

DP: "Thank you, Robin."

RL: "Back to you, Mike and Madman!"

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Mike The Mouth Monroe: Thank you Robin! Well, folks, we've got a whole hell of a lot still to come tonight! And of course, a big part of that is the return of The Million Dollar Pitbull Charlie to the RDCW, as he takes on old foe Spandex Monkey Man of the Monkey World Order, a former RDCW Big Cheese Champion!

Marcum: I don't know why we even recognise that title change! It only lasted two days!

Monroe: SPAMM still held the title, Marcum, so it still counts! Besides, we haven’t been able to get the banana smell of the belt!

Marcum:Whatever, Mouth! Anyway, earlier today Charlie was gracious enough to allow me an exclusive interview. Roll the footage!

We cut to an opulent hotel room, where Charlie is sitting. As always when away from the ring, Charlie is dressed in an immaculate suit. Marcum is also present, with his toadying turned up to 11

Marcum: So, Charlie, can I just say what an honour it is to have a wrestler of your abilities in the RDCW.

Charlie: Of course you can, Marcum. ‘Course, I ain’t sayin I came cheap. Paragon had to fork out a whole hell of a lot on behalf of the owners of RDCW to get me here.

Marcum: But of course, of course. On the other hand, is it not true that you own part of RDCW? Why would you refuse to wrestle for your own promotion?

Charlie laughs indulgently

Charlie: That’s not technically true, Madman. When Rob Kamphausen was getting together the funds to revive the RDCW, I gave him a modest loan- at very generous interest, I might add- to get the whole show up and running. And I see nothing wrong with recouping on my investment by charging him further money to get me t wrestle on his shows. Charlie the businessman and Charlie the wrestler are two very different entities.

Marcum: Both equally successful, I’m sure. So, what are your plans for your big return to the RDCW?

Charlie: Well, I’ve got quite a few plans in the pipeline, but I don’t think I need make any kind of secret out of the fact that The Big Cheese Belt is a long term goal. Joe Mama better have eyes in the back of his head: I’ve beaten him before, and I’m ever better now than I was back then.

Marcum: Is it actually possible to improve on perfection!

Charlie: Easy there, Marcum, toadying don’t come with a fee. Ass for that jumped up ham-and-egger SPAMM, tonight is the last time I plan on facing him for quite a while.

Marcum: Really? How so?

Charlie: Simple really. Tonight’s the last match of SPAMM’s professional career. Tonight…I’m sending him to the morgue.

Charlie turns and addresses the camera directly

Charlie: I know you’ll be watching this, SPAMM, so I’m telling you now. It doesn’t matter what you do in our match, I am gonna break you! Your over, SPAMM! Finished! That is a promise...from the Pitbull!

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Monroe: Fans, earlier today we received this tape in the mail.

MarcuM: Is it a porno?

Monroe: No, it's not a porno. . .production crew, if you could roll that tape.

*Tape starts. Closeup of a very large, very long steel chain. The chain is covered in what appears to be dried blood. It is also wrapped around a fist. The camera pulls back and we see the fist swing into a hanging slab of meat. We are in a meat locker.

The fist pulls back as another fist, wrapped in another section of the chain slams into the slab of meat. The process repeats as the two fists become covered in blood. We hear a voice as we see mist coming from above where the fists are.

"This chain. This chain and I go a long way back. Fifteen years. When I was first breaking into the business. There was a guy who wanted to make his name at my expense. He beat the hell out of me night after night. One night, that wasn't enough.

SMAK!!!! Left fist into meat.

He brought this chain to the ring with him. He beat the hell out of me with it. Then he tried to hang me in the ring.

SMAK!!! Right fist into meat.

I survived. I kept this chain as a reminder. No one would ever do that to me again. Many have tried. All have failed. I'm still here. Still surviving.

SMAK!! Left fist back into meat.

Krazed. You and your little buddies think since you've picked up your contracts for the RDCW that you've got free reign to do whatever you want. To run wild all over the place.

SMAK!! Right hand back into meat.

To an extent, that's true. You've got free reign to hunt in your packs and kill what you can. . .

SMAK!! Left hand again into meat, withdrawing covered in blood.

. . .but so do I.

SMAK!! Right hand into meat as the side shakes and lurches.

You're riding high at the moment. Yeah, you got one over on me. But all you've succeeding in doing is making yourselves marked men.

*Grimm stops punching the meat and holds his bloody chained fists up as the camera reveals his calm face, also covered in blood.*

Krazed. You've sold your soul for a few fleeting moments of glory. You may think you have the advantage. You may think that Joe Mama and I hate each other. And we do. But tonight, I've got tunnel vision directly for you.

For I am the way into the city of woe.

I am the way to a forsaken people.

I am the way into eternal sorrow.

Sacred justice moved my architect.

I am raised here by divine omnipotence, primordial love, and ultimate intellect.

Only those elements time cannot wear were made before me, and beyond time I stand.

Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

Krazed, once you've sold your soul to the devil, you can't buy it back."

*Grimm turns back towards the side of meat and resumes punching it. Tape ends.

Monroe: Eerie. . .

MarcuM: Yeah. . .

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"the light that blinds" begins to play to the delight of the fans. Out comes Krazed. BPT and J soon follow out. They make their way to the ring high-fiving people down the ramp. Krazed pulls out a microphone:

K: I got a question for all you peoples out there. How do you like our decorating so far in the RDCW?" He pauses to hear the crowd screaming.

J: Well theres more where that came from. You all just make sure your ready. this place has a lot of punk ass'.

bpt hops on the top turnbuckle, looking at the top rope, smiling as j and krazed relive last week's beatings.

K: So guys what did you think of that video from Grimm? Heh...two words. Kinda gay. I mean it had no flair. No pizazz. But you know what? Fortunately I was able to get a copy some editing? So crowd tell me what you think of this:

*Video on the big screen starts to play-

Krazed. You and your little buddies think since you've picked up your contracts for the RDCW that you've got free reign to do whatever you want. To run wild all over the place.

Cut to scene of Grimm getting planted by the chair last week.

To an extent, that's true. You've got free reign to hunt in your packs and kill what you can. . .

Cut to shot of BPT and J stomping out Grimm in the ring.

. . .but so do I.

Shot of Krazed perfoming Knight Knight on Grimm.

You're riding high at the moment. Yeah, you got one over on me. But all you've succeeding in doing is making yourselves marked men.

Shot of the chair with Grimms name with the X going through it.

Krazed. You've sold your soul for a few fleeting moments of glory. You may think you have the advantage. You may think that Joe Mama and I hate each other. And we do. But tonight, I've got tunnel vision directly for you.

For I am- the sound gets garbled and all you can hear is the teacher voice from Charlie Brown as Grimm continues talking.

Krazed, once you've sold your soul to the devil, you can't buy it back."

Another shot of Grimm getting nailed with the chair shot.

*We return the the ring with Krazed and company lauging.

K: Now see, thats how you make a movie. Come on fellas, lets go get ready for these bitches...

They exit out the ring and head backstage.

big_pimp_tim-made it cool to roll in the first damn place!
Mon Jun 11 2007 09:27 PM-harley finally rolled with me
"I'm working with him...he's young but, there is much potential. He can apprentice with me and then he's yours for final training. He will remember the face of his father...

Some day, Knutreturns just may be the greatest of us all...."-THE bastard
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terrible podcaster
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terrible podcaster
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The Crotch: Hello all, this is The Crotch reporting from Captain Sammitch's locker room. Sammitch, how do you and your tag partners feel about the match tonight?

Captain Sammitch: Well, all three of us are pretty confident about this one. Both matches last week were close until they got derailed, but I think you got to see everyone's strengths and weaknesses in action, and we've got a marked advantage in most aspects of combat.

C: Speaking of derailed matches, what's your take on Doc Paragon's statements earlier?

CS: I gotta say that Paragon was right on. Sooner or later people expect bush-league meddling from King Snarf - it's what he does. But that's no reason for loose-cannon rookies to lose it and ruin another match. It ruins any chance at fair, honest competition, and ultimately the fans are the ones who suffer the most. Considering that the fans are ultimately the reason we have our jobs, I think it's only fair that people like Snarf and Brad Lee are made to see that if you stiff the fans, you're endangering your own livelihood.

C: So, barring any interference tonight, are you guaranteeing a victory for yourself and Chewy Walrus and Killconey?

CS: You know me - I always give one hundred and ten percent in the ring, but I can't see the future, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that anything can happen in an RDCW ring. But I can guarantee that regardless of Queen Snarf and his bush-league antics, regardless of any Misfit Avengers or whatever the hell they're calling themselves, the three of us aren't gonna let up for anyone or anything, which means you and the fans are gonna see one hell of a show tonight!

C: And that's why he's the Captain. Mike Monroe, back to you!

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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Inglourious Basterd!!!
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Ben Harper's "Faded" plays over the Cheesedome speakers and the crowd erupts as Heavyweight Cheese Champion - Joe Mama - enters the ring area. He takes a moment to savor the crowd's reaction and then walks to the ring, pausing momentarily for pictures and high fives and photo ops with sign holders.

Monroe: The Champ is back, Marcum! Joe Mama has come home!

Marcum: Big deal! Do you know how much they supposedly had to pay him to come back? I heard he demanded that Grimm be fired...

Monroe: Judging by last week, I'd say that's a bit inaccurate, Marcum!

Joe Mama grabs a mic from Monroe and Marcum's announce table and enters the ring.

JM: Now THAT, laides and gentlemen, is how a CHAMPION makes an entrance!

The crowd cheers.

JM: Yes, I'm glad to be back, too. There's only so many times a person can dodge a still-unemployed MisterJLA's invitations to Strippers & Waffles before the excuses start running out. But don't tell him that the RDCW's back, okay? Next thing you know, he'll be begging to get signed and be mentioned in Rob's Blog, or something...

The crowd laughs. The cheers continue...

JM: Let's get down to business. Y'see, as much as I like standing here and basking in the cheers, I gotta be honest: I haven't done a damned thing recently to deserve 'em. And I wanna get started on re-earning the cheers and the glory.

Last week, I was sitting in my dressing room, kickin' back, watching what passes for matches in the early goings of the RDCW's rebirth, and I got to thinking: what happened? King Snarf's back? Sammitch and PenWing broke up and are slap-fighting? Oakleys and Murtazins and banditoshu...s?

The crowd chants, "Oh MY!!!"

JM: I was so distraught by the lack of real competition that I was ready to make an early exit, call JLA, and actually hang out with him at Strippers & Waffles in hopes of watching him try to pick up some tranny and the hilarity that would ensue. But then I saw some things that gave me reason to sit back down...

I saw the former Sudden Death Connection actually show some aggression that wasn't an act for the fans.

I saw that Charlie was back. It's nice to see the Pitbull hasn't lost his edge...even if he IS using my old gimmicks and wearing my old Bastardo suits.

I saw an old feud rekindled between the Pitbull and the Monkey.

I saw the resurrection of the Pig.

And I saw an old foe and a new faction. The West Side Rollers, or whatever they call themselves. I watched as they made Havok live up to its name. Granted, they don't have the numbers of the RwO. They don't have the veteran cockiness of the Triple Set. And they don't have the dominance of the Bastardo Family...

The crowd's cheers get louder at the mention of each classic faction. The mention of the Bastardos bring an enormous, though mixed, reaction...

JM: ...but I don't mind, in this case, using the word "yet". It damn near warmed my heart to see some new blood making their mark in this promotion. Until they decided to move against Grimm. You see, boys, Grimm and I have a history. We've been trying to destroy each other for a long time. And when you decided to pull that stunt at the end of last week, you overstepped your bounds. You tried to take something that doesn't belong to you. Beat Grimm in the ring, and I have nothing but respect for you. Give him an old-fashioned beatdown, and I applaud the effort. But to try and take him out for good? To try and end the Monster's career? That was arrogance, boys. You elevated yourselves to a level you have not earned. And that's why I involved myself in your business. And, on top of that, I got a good sense of what you were weighed, you were measured, and you were found wanting. You're just another group of pups running around, needing to be whacked on the nose and paper-trained. That happens tonight.

Now, Grimm, I saw you earlier. Babbling about chains and blood and you beat your meat. Don't think for a moment that last week was some kind of "shared moment" or "bonding experience". I haven't forgot what you and Nowhereman did to cost me my title. The memories of our Coffin Match is still fresh in my mind. When this business with the Bay City Rollers is concluded, we return to business as usual. You try to destroy me, and I damn sure end your career. But that's later. Tonight, you better bring your A-game. I am the RDCW Heavyweight Cheese Champion! I am the Gold Standard around these parts, and you better haul yourself up to MY level tonight!

West Side Rollers, be ready! You woke up the Monster of the RDCW, and TONIGHT he teams up with the ENFORCER! And we're coming to KICK! YOUR!! ASSES!!!

"Faded" plays as Joe Mama slams the mic onto the mat, takes a moment to glare at the camera as if it were his opponents, and then leave the ring.

Monroe: Strong words from the Champion, Marcum....

Marcum: He's a dead man! He's pissed off his opponents AND his partner! D'you think Grimm is actually going to let those comments lie? HAH!!! Joe Mama just signed his death certificate!

Uschi said:
I won't rape you, I'll just fuck you 'till it hurts and then not stop and you'll cry.

MisterJLA: RACKS so hard, he called Jim Rome "Chris Everett." In Him, all porn is possible. He is far above mentions in so-called "blogs." RACK him, lest ye be lost!

"I can't even brush my teeth without gagging!" - Tommy Tantillo: Wank & Cry, heckpuppy, and general laughingstock

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backstage, Joe Mama is walking when he comes face to face with Grimm. They stand nose to nose.

JM: "Problem?"

Grimm says nothing.

JM: "A thank you would be nice."

Grimm: "No one asked to stick your nose in my business."

JM: "Weeeellllllll. . .that's where you'd be mistaken. Somebody did ask me to. Though I can't imagine why she would still care."


JM: "I'll let you stew on that for a while. Think you can keep up with things tonight?"

Grimm: "Keep up with a guy who had to pay Chesty Leroux to distract a wrestler with one move to win the title? Yeah, I think I can handle that one. Besides, I've brought a little friend of my own tonight."

*Grimm holds up his chain as JM taps Loosy in his hands.

JM: This is gonna be fun.


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Hardcore Family Feud

The Mopius' vs. The Oakleys

This violent brawl spread out over the Cheesedome as the two families continued the battle that started with the Family Feud Battle Royal. The match ended at the twenty minute mark when Mopius slammed Faarooq Oakley X onto a Ford Pinto and got the three count!

Drug Bot Rivalry

Murtazin vs. Banditoshu

Murtazin trounced his longtime rival in this bout after Banditoshu attempted to hit on Murtazin's wife at ringside! She slapped Banditoshu in the face, but got into a catfight with Banditoshu's own wife who ran out to ringside. As Banditoshu climbed back into the ring, Murtazin hit him with the cortazine crusher for the three count and the win!

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6 Man Tag

Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus, and Killconey vs. King Snarf and the Masked Avengers

<The prerequisite entrance music plays as Captain Sammitch, Chewy Walrus, and Killconey make their way to the ring. Immediately thereafter, the Masked Avengers make their way to the ring. King Snarf follows soon afterward, but just as he enters the ring, he calls for a microphone and addresses the crowd...>

KS:As you know, our esteemed general manager has forbidden me from forfeiting tonight's match. He needn't have worried; this is a tag match, and forfeiting the match would be fine, if it were just me, but I have partners depending on me, even if one of them is a whiny bitch who decided it would be better to end the main event of Robblemania in a no-contest when the votes CLEARLY showed me as the winner. No, I am professional, and I will not forfeit... I have something much more asinine planned! Boys, send in the clowns!"

<On cue, twenty clowns make their way to the ring and proceed to stand in the middle of the ring doing nothing but looking festive, making it very hard for any kind of match to continue...>

KS:NOW we can start the match!

Marcum: This is great! Look at those clowns there! How jaunty!

Monroe: This is absurd! The ref should throw this match out right now!

Marcum: Hold on, Monroe. Are the clowns attacking the ref?

Monroe: No...

Marcum: Are they attacking any of the participants?

Monroe: No...

Marcum: Are the clowns in any way actively interfering in the match?

Monroe: No, but I still don't like it! How can we have any kind of meaningful competition with these guys in the ring?!? This is, without question, the single-most asinine, dumbest thing I have ever seen!

Marcum: What about McMahon making himself the ECW World Champion?

Monroe: This is the second most asinine thing I have ever seen!

<James White rings the bell, and the match commences with Chewy Walrus facing off against King Snarf. The two combatants attempt to size each other up as they circle around the clowns (and presumably the ring)...>

Marcum: I love it!


<Eventually, Chewy tires of the clowns, not to mention Snarf's incessant circling. He attempts to slip around the clowns to get at Snarf, but Snarf changes direction and keeps the clowns between the two grapplers. Undaunted, Chewy changes direction... as does Snarf...>

Monroe: This is ridiculous...

<After about a minute of this, Chewy decides he's had enough. Jumping back into the ropes, he springs across the ring and unleashes a Walrus Tusk into the gaggle of clowns!>

Monroe: BUHGAWB!

Marcum: He just tried to send out the clowns!

<Sure enough, twenty clowns are sprawled around the ring, not fighting Chewy Walrus but not in too big a hurry to get out of the way. Chewy himself seems to have had the wind knocked out of him by the impact, and is slow getting to his feet. Ever the opportunist, Snarf rushes back to his own corner and tries to maneuver Chewy Walrus into the headlock... but is blind-tagged by Archer!>

Marcum: Hey! You aren't supposed to blind-tag the King!

Monroe: Maybe now we'll at least see some wrestling... and would someone get those Robdamned clowns out of the ring?!?

<King Snarf is rather perturbed at being blind-tagged, but when he turns to Archer to protest, Archer ignores him and goes to work on the still-winded Chewy...>

Monroe: The Archer is clearly seeking some retribution for being knocked unconscious by Chewy Walrus last Havoc!

<Archer gets in a few good kicks before Chewy finally gets to his feet. Chewy staggers over to his corner - nearly tripping over a clown on the way - and tags Killconey in, but Killconey appears rather uneasy as he looks at the clown-filled ring!>

Marcum: Looks like Killconey's scared of clowns!

Monroe: This match is a travesty!

<While Killconey hesitates, Archer tags Brad Lee in, then rushes over and attacks Chewy while Brad works on Killconey...>

Monroe: The Masked Avengers are clearly looking to avenge what happened between these wrestlers last Havoc!

<The brawl in the corner is rapidly descending into chaos as Brad Lee, Archer, Chewy Walrus, and Killconey slug it out, oblivious to the match, and all too eager to shove, throw, or punch a clown if any strays too close to the melee. Lothar is contemplating whether or not to call for the bell, but as unconscious or injured clowns begin leaving the ring with the help of the four wrestlers, he changes his mind. Brad Lee keeps pummeling Killconey in the corner as Archer beats up on Chewy on the apron. The apron and the fringe of the ring are littered with the prone or crawling forms of clowns that couldn't get out of the way in time. Brad Lee runs back to his own corner, runs back across the ring, takes to the air off the back of a crawling clown, and crane-kicks Killconey in the head!>

Monroe: Buhgawb! That's brutal!

Marcum: Who said prop comedy isn't funny?

<Not satisfied with the beating he's inflicted on Killconey, Brad Lee retreats to his own corner again to repeat the maneuver... but is blind-tagged by Snarf...>

Monroe: King Snarf must have decided Killconey was softened up enough to make an easy target...

<Killconey tries to stagger to his feet and fails. Snarf charges toward him. With his last ounce of strength, Killconey reaches up and tags the outstretched hand of Captain Sammitch... who steps in just in time to intercept the charging King Snarf with a Sammitch Spin, greeting Snarf with a rapidly-rotating white New Balance to the face!>

Monroe: BUHGAWB!!!

Marcum: He's bleeding! King Snarf's bleeding!

Snarf staggers back, wiping blood from his nose and looking up in disbelief. Without hesitating, Sammitch shoves him back and grapples him into a hold. Eager to slip on the headlock, King Snarf tries frantically to reverse the hold, but Sammitch keeps him locked up long enough to deliver three Sammitch Suplexes!>

Marcum: You can't manhandle King Snarf like that! That's fucked up! That ain't right!

Monroe: It looks like he easily can manhandle him like that!

<Captain Sammitch pins Snarf, but Lothar only counts to two before Brad Lee interferes, kicking Sammitch in the back of the head! Dazed, Sammitch stumbles to his knees, and King Snarf breaks free, but Brad blind-tags him and shoves him out of the way before he can go for the headlock!>

Marcum: What kinda teamwork is that?

<The enraged Brad Lee circles the ring, sizing up the dazed Captain Sammitch. On the apron, Archer charges at Chewy Walrus with a steel chair, but Chewy bullrushes him before he can bring the chair down, driving Archer into the ring steps! Meanwhile, Killconey is perched atop a turnbuckle, watching the action in the ring pensively...>

Monroe: This is absolute mayhem!

<Brad Lee lines Sammitch up and charges at him to deliver a finisher. He is just a step from taking to the air when he suddenly trips over a fallen clown! King Snarf charges in from another direction... but is intercepted by a Walrus Wallop clothesline!>

Monroe: All four combatants are battered and bloodied! Will any of them be able to make a move?

<Brad Lee finally gets to his feet and starts to go after Sammitch again. Shoving the last clown aside, he charges in... and Killconey launches off the top rope into his path, delivering a flawless Fires of Heaven!!!>



<Brad Lee slumps to the mat, possibly unconscious. With the last of his strength, Killconey goes for the cover and gets the three-count! Lothar calls for the bell, and James White rings it...>

James White: Here are your winners, by pinfall, Chewy Walrus, Killconey, and Captain Sammitch!

<The crowd goes wild as AC/DC's 'TNT' blares throughout the Cheesedome, but the mood in the ring is somewhat less celebratory, as the mat is littered with bleeding, dazed, or unconscious wrestlers... not to mention twenty clowns in a great deal of pain...>

Monroe: We'll return after these messages!

MarcuM: And after we get this mess cleared away!

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living in 1962
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living in 1962
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Singles Match

Charlie vs. Spamm

Charlie defeats Spamm with the Power of the Pitbull.

Singles Match
Ghost Hog vs. J

J's entrance music plays but he is nowhere to be seen. After a few moments, Ghost Hog's music also plays, but he too is nowhere to be seen.

Monroe: What is going on here?

MarcuM: Maybe Rob's bouncing checks again!

Monroe: That's not funny, Madman. . .

MarcuM: Oh, sorry.

Ghost Hog's music cues up again as the Cheese-O-Tron lights up and we see footage of the roof of the Cheesedome. J is tied up on the roof, unconscious.

Ghost Hog appears in front of him and leans into the camera.

GH: Irony is a dish best served cold.

The camera cuts off as the announcers stare at each other in disbelief.

MarcuM: What the hell was that?

Monroe: I think Ghost Hog's gotten a little payback for last week's beatdown!

MarcuM: We still didn't see Schwarz! What happened with Schwarz?

Monroe: I don't know, but I do know this! Our main event's next!

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living in 1962
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living in 1962
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Before the match begins "Ode to Joy" plays as the GM, Doc Paragon makes his way down to ringside. He takes a seat next to Monroe and announces that next week's main event will be a six man Stairway to Hell match! The winner of which will receive a World Title shot!

Tag Team Grudge Match
Joe Mama and Grimm vs. Big Pimp Tim and Krazed

"The Light That Blinds" plays as the two remaining West Side Rollers head out onto the rampway. Krazed holds up a chair with Joe Mama's name on it.

K: First, you get the chair upside your fat head!

BPT: Then your punk ass goes over the top rope!


The WSR high five as they step into the ring and ready themselves for battle.

Then the Cheesedome goes dark as Rob Zombie's "Lords of Salem" cues up and crowd goes wild. Grimm heads out onto the rampway, chain in hand. He's all business as he heads down to the ring. The WSR try to jump on him, but a few swings of the chain send them back to their corner. Grimm climbs into the ring and hits the crucifix pose on the turnbuckle.

Then Ben Harper's "Faded" cues up as the RDCW World Champion Joe Mama enters the arena, Loosy in hand! JM hits the ring and holds up the belt and Loosy for the fans to see as the WSR plot in their corner.

Lothar orders for the match to start and it does with a vengeance as Krazed kracks JM in the back of the head with a chair! JM drops down to his knees as Grimm and BPT join in the fray!

Monroe: It's pandemonium! It's Chaos!

MarcuM: It's HAVOK!!!!!!!!!!

Krazed attempts to block Grimm's chain strikes with the chair as BPT goes for an axehandle on JM. But JM is waiting and nails him in the gut with a shot from Loosy! JM readies another shot, but BPT attempts to grapple Loosy away from JM! Krazed misses a chairshot as Grimm clotheslines him with the chain! JM kicks BPT in the gut and follows up with another shot from Loosy! Lothar calls for the bell and the match is over, but the brawl continues!

Grimm and JM look at each other and nod silently before turning their attention back to their foes and simultaneously spitting blood into the faces of the West Side Rollers! Grimm wraps the chain around Krazed's throat and hangs him over the ring ropes!

MarcuM: Am I the only one who notices that we have a white guy hanging a black guy in the ring and the crowd is cheering?

Monroe: You might not want to point that out to our sponsors.

BPT grabs the chair with JM's name on it and begins blocking the shots from Loosy! JM swings and misses as BPT catches him with a headshot! JM drops down as BPT nails Grimm in the back with a chair and drops him with a ddt!

He motions for Krazed to go up top, which he does and delivers consecutive Knight, Knights to both opponents!

MarcuM: You see? That's the advantage the Rollers have! Teamwork! Joe Mama and Grimm will never be able to work together like that, Monroe!

DP: I'm not so sure about that, Madman.

Monroe: The GM has spoken!

MarcuM: Stop sucking up!

BPT attempts to go for the Bitch Maker, but JM pokes him in the eyes. JM gets to his feet and hits a standing Enforcer on BPT, and then drags his thumb across his throat as the fans go wild! Krazed rushes in but gets caught in a bearhug as JM delivers an atomic drop!

Krazed bounces around and turns into a running clothesline from Grimm and hits the mat! Grimm sets Krazed up for a powerbomb, but BPT catches him with a lowblow. JM chases him out of the ring and they brawl in front of the fans! JM tries to ram BPT's head into the ring barrier, but BPT breaks it up with an elbow. He turns JM around and hits a russian leg sweep onto the ring barrier!

Monroe: This is out of control!

MarcuM: How can our GM let this go on, Monroe?

DP: It's the only way to settle things. Let them get it out of their system. It's what the fans want to see!

DP: Plus, we still have a lot of airtime to fill. . .

Krazed goes up top again to try and deliver a Kaos, but Grimm catches on the turnbuckle and delivers the Kobe Special!

Monroe: OHMYGOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grimm goes to deliver an axehandle from the ring apron onto BPT, but BPT catches him with a gutshot on the way down! BPT wraps Grimm's arm around the ringpost and begins ramming it into the metal!

Krazed nails JM with a Frequent Flyer from the ring apron and tries to roll him onto the announce table. But JM manages to hold him off. JM maneuvers around and picks Krazed up for an East Coast Hammer, driving him through the announce table!

Monroe: We lose more tables this way!

MarcuM: That's cuz Rob's cheap!

Grimm and JM corner BPT in the ring and pound away at him on the ropes. They slug away at him repeatedly, but BPT still attempts to fight back the whole time!

Monroe: I'll give Big Pimp Tim this, he is resilient, Madman!

Grimm retrieves his chain and begins wrapping it along his arm as Joe Mama whips BPT into the turnbuckle. As BPT staggers back, Grimm hits him with a running clothesline from the chain wrapped arm!

Monroe: He calls that move The Reaper's Scythe! I hear he developed it just for this match, Madman!

MarcuM: It's also blatantly illegal, Monroe!

Monroe: We're long past that point in this one!

The duo deliver a Reaper's Scythe on Krazed as well and Grimm motions for a Spike piledriver! But, JM refuses to do so.

MarcuM: I told you they wouldn't be able to get along! This is where it all breaks down, Monroe!

JM heads out of the ring and gets a mic, before climbing back in.

JM: No, Grimm. No. I'm not going to let you end these men's careers here tonight. I won't be responsible for that.

Grimm: What the fuck?! Don't get soft on me here!

JM: No, no, no. Nothing like that. I said I'm not going to let you end their careers tonight. . .because I have a much better idea!

JM drops the mic and walks over to BPT. He picks him up and carries him over to the ropes and tosses BPT up and over the ropes and out to the floor!

Monroe: My GOB!!!!!! Joe Mama just tossed BPT over the top rope!

MarcuM: That's fucked up, Monroe! That ain't right!

Grimm follows up by grabbing Krazed and tossing him up and over as well, right on top of BPT! The fans explode!

Monroe: Joe Mama and Grimm have just done to the West Side Rollers what the Rollers have done to so many other wrestlers over the last few months! We are out of time, Fans! We'll see you next week!

Camera fades as Grimm and Joe Mama celebrate in ring, while Krazed and BPT head to the back, furious. . .

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