Monroe: Fans, earlier today we received this tape in the mail.
MarcuM: Is it a porno?
Monroe: No, it's not a porno. . .production crew, if you could roll that tape.
*Tape starts. Closeup of a very large, very long steel chain. The chain is covered in what appears to be dried blood. It is also wrapped around a fist. The camera pulls back and we see the fist swing into a hanging slab of meat. We are in a meat locker.
The fist pulls back as another fist, wrapped in another section of the chain slams into the slab of meat. The process repeats as the two fists become covered in blood. We hear a voice as we see mist coming from above where the fists are.
"This chain. This chain and I go a long way back. Fifteen years. When I was first breaking into the business. There was a guy who wanted to make his name at my expense. He beat the hell out of me night after night. One night, that wasn't enough.
SMAK!!!! Left fist into meat.
He brought this chain to the ring with him. He beat the hell out of me with it. Then he tried to hang me in the ring.
SMAK!!! Right fist into meat.
I survived. I kept this chain as a reminder. No one would ever do that to me again. Many have tried. All have failed. I'm still here. Still surviving.
SMAK!! Left fist back into meat.
Krazed. You and your little buddies think since you've picked up your contracts for the RDCW that you've got free reign to do whatever you want. To run wild all over the place.
SMAK!! Right hand back into meat.
To an extent, that's true. You've got free reign to hunt in your packs and kill what you can. . .
SMAK!! Left hand again into meat, withdrawing covered in blood.
. . .but so do I.
SMAK!! Right hand into meat as the side shakes and lurches.
You're riding high at the moment. Yeah, you got one over on me. But all you've succeeding in doing is making yourselves marked men.
*Grimm stops punching the meat and holds his bloody chained fists up as the camera reveals his calm face, also covered in blood.*
Krazed. You've sold your soul for a few fleeting moments of glory. You may think you have the advantage. You may think that Joe Mama and I hate each other. And we do. But tonight, I've got tunnel vision directly for you.
For I am the way into the city of woe.
I am the way to a forsaken people.
I am the way into eternal sorrow.
Sacred justice moved my architect.
I am raised here by divine omnipotence, primordial love, and ultimate intellect.
Only those elements time cannot wear were made before me, and beyond time I stand.
Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
Krazed, once you've sold your soul to the devil, you can't buy it back."
*Grimm turns back towards the side of meat and resumes punching it. Tape ends.
Monroe: Eerie. . .
MarcuM: Yeah. . .