Quote: Grimm said: ok, rob, serious question: why did you even put me in here? seriously, I resigned from mod status sometime last year due to time constraints, but I'm still mod in the writing forum and then you put me in the voting for the sports forum. I can semi-understand the sports forum because I at least post in that forum.
i didn't vote for or nominate anyone in any of these latest thing. someone else (or a number of others) did, so there y'go.
its pain-in-the-ass enough to go around and tally all these nominations and votes. if i then had to go and verify each of them, i'd asplode.
when creating this thread, i added the disclaimer that the top three vote recipients "who actually want the job" will win. ...er... wint. but that is code for win. i added that in there after you won the sports mod, then yelled at me for your winning. so, now, that can't happen again.
when the vote is over, i'll ask the top 3 vote getters if they want it. if they do, bam, they're in.
if people wanna vote for others, even though those people make 0 appearances in a forum, then, what can i say, they wasted their vote.
ooohhhh. okay. I guess that makes sense. feel free to leave me out of future votes.