*JE and the Otaku are in the ring.*

JE: James fantastic, you are an idiot. Weren't you watching last week? Didn't you see what we did? Do you think we're going to take it easy on you because it's your brother's first match? What is wrong with you? His first match and you're throwing him right into a match with the Otaku? There really are only two possibilities, there's the whole "you're an idiot" thing, or you hate your brother. You've been forced to take him on as a partner, and you're trying to get rid of him by putting him into a match with men who are ready, willing and able to END HIS DAMN CAREER BEFORE IT STARTS! Didn't you see the raw power of Big Fat Elvis? Didn't you witness the unbelievable speed and skill of Hiro? Don't you remember that they are lead by the evilest man ever to step into a wrestling ring?

Maybe we've made it too easy to forget. We were gone for a while and I admit we like to goof around and have a good time, but we also enjoy hurting people. We also enjoy making men who thought they were strong scream for mercy, and then showing none. So, maybe you have forgotten, but I assure you you won't forget after tonight. You won't forget when you visit your brother in a hospital and the best news the doctor can give you is "There's still a chance he could walk again." And, once your brother is being wheeled off to a hospital it'll be three...oh, I'm sorry. I mean two. Of course, it'll be two on one. I wouldn't DREAM of interfering in the match tonight.

There's still time. You can pull out of the match. No one would blame you. It wouldn't be cowardice, it would be the only course of action that isn't suicide. If you enter the ring, you will be crossing that thin line between bravery and stupidity. You can walk away and have me call you an idiot, or you can enter the ring and prove it.

*Their music starts up and they taunt the crowd.*

MarcuM: The Otaku are ready, but I doubt anyone could be ready for the Otaku!

Monroe: We'll be right back after a few words from Six Flags over Roboken. The Big Banana is back! Ride the Big Banana...again!

*We go to the commercial.*