Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
One story I have read says that he phoned WWE on Sunday, saying he would not be able to make Vengeance as his family were ill, spitting up blood.
If this is true, then it would suggest poisoning or some sort of highly contagious disease.

Another (non-wrestling) board that I visit has a thread similar to this, but they have already jumped to the conclusion it was some kinda suicide pact or something.

I'll hold judgment on that until all the facts are in!
Also, police have issued a statement that they are investigating it as homicide, but they were not shot to death!

This is the last report I got:

From MyFox Atlanta

Last Edited: Monday, 25 Jun 2007, 8:36 PM EDT

FAYETTEVILLE, Ga. (AP) -- Authorities said professional wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife and child were found slain Monday at their Fayette County home.

Lieutenant Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department said the three were found about 2:30 p.m., but he would release no other details.

Pope said the deaths are being investigated as homicide, but the cause of death awaits autopsy results tomorrow.

He would not say how the bodies were discovered, or who found them.

The World Wrestling Entertainment said on its Website that the 40-year-old Benoit, his wife, Nancy, and his son Daniel were found dead but also had no other details.

The WWE said that instead of its programming Monday night on USA Network, it would air a three-hour tribute to Benoit.

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