Allegedly. If Benoit did do it, then he kept this dark side a secret. And all these folks who adopted him into their family, the Malenkos and Guerreros and Harts, were either fooled or didn't care. Or, Benoit just had some kind of madness festering within him. So he was either a sociopath or a ticking time bomb. Nice.

Or, alternatively, the cops came in with a preconceived notion and are failing to investigate all the angles.

I'm not sure which of the above scenarios disturbs me more.

This case seems to get more tragic and bizarre. I mean, there've been many, many wrestlers who've publicly struggled with "personal demons", sometimes resulting in domestic violence, but I can't recall ever hearing anyone report anything like that about Chris Benoit. Other wrestlers have been arrested for domestic abuse; if this had happened to any of them, while still tragic, I could at least understand. But this happening to Chris Benoit and his family just confuses and distresses me. I certainly hope the investigation leads to a definitive answer so that Benoit's family, friends, and fans can have some sort of closure.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!