Last night when the police said they were treating it as a double murder/suicide, and that they were not lookng outside the house for suspects, suggested that Chris or his wife had killed their partner and son, then killed themselves.
I think the most logical thing on everyones mind is that Chris was the guilty one.
I must admit, that while is sounds plausible, its not something I wanted to believe, yet at the same time, I couldnt see what else it could be.
If Chris had had a history of this kind of behaviour, if indeed its true, then with the media and internet the way it is, we would have known, so you have to assume it was something that caused him to snap rather than something ingrained into his personality. Maybe his wife had threatened to leave him and take his son, and being the totally devoted father he was, he couldnt handle it, and in an act of uncontrollable rage, he committed this horrible act as the only way he could keep them.
Chris was certainly not mentally ill, but something obviously would have pushed him over the edge to do this.
None of that makes any of this right, though, and until the reports come in, its all just speculation. I really hope this is just a case of a frenzied media grasping to make a big story even bigger, but I really think the truth is gonna be something none of us want to hear or believe!