Yeah, the fact that he did this (if indeed he did) doesn't make him a bad or evil person or make him any less of a man. It is highly probable he was suffering from a mental condition or something, and because of his private nature no one may have seen the symptoms as anything out of the usual. the fact is that he had apparently been sending weird and cryptic texts to his closest friends which is why the police showed up in the first place--so his friends knew his character well and noticed the sudden change.

I won't speculate on the exact occurrences, but he was probably been stricken with a mental/psychological breakdown of some type in the last few months and something triggered the actions as devastating and horrible as they were/are.

And again, we still don't know exactly what happened--it would be the same as any of your close friends doing something completely off the radar as I'm sure it is for Benoit's friends and family. If it does turn out Benoit was responsible I can only imagine those closest to him saying the same thing most everyone says when a person they love does something horrifically unexpected..."we didn't see it coming, he was a good man, this isn't in his character, he was a family man, etc" one expects these things which is why mental and psychological problems are so hard to fathom...they happen and they are real, and it's hard to diagnose them.

And I highly doubt Bret Hart is worrying about Benoit somehow tarnishing his image, Oakley....idiot.