Bob Ryder discussed the issue with those close to Chris Benoit. They requested anonymity, of course.
Anonymous Comment On Road Rage "This wasn't roid rage, this was insanity. Roid rage doesn't last for 48 hours. There were signs that something was wrong. Stories have emerged that a year ago he became paranoid and believed he was being followed. He wouldn't let Nancy leave the house because he believed someone was out to get them."
Anonymous Comment On Religion “Chris hated religion. He didn't believe in it. I cannot comprehend him putting bibles by the bodies. I am shocked.”
Ryder also mentioned that those close to Nancy Benoit claim that she has kept evidence of previous violence from Chris Benoit in a security deposit box somewhere.
Like the autorities warned us, this situation is getting more and more disturbing.
There's the understatement of the year. My gut feeling tells me that what we've found out already will seem tame compared to what's still to be learned. This case is getting more eerie by the minute...hell, by the second.
Your extrapolation on this case is most likely correct. More facts are emerging that have me believe that Benoit resented his family for having been less than perfect.