The last few lines of that last quote sum up something I said to someone at work a few years ago. I was listening to a song by a known pedophile.
They asked how I could listen to it. I told them that I had listened to that song since I was about 6 or 7, so how could I suddenly stop liking it? I pointed out that I wouldnt pay for his albums, and I'd downloaded the song anyway, so what benefit did Gary Glitter get from it?
In Benoits case, whether you view him as an unfortunate sick man, or a murdering sack of shit, nobody can deny the enjoyment they got from his body of work if you were a fan.
Watching his matches now, and enjoying them does not mean you support what he does, and what benefit does he get from it now anyway?
I dont think anyone here is defending him or is not saddened by the tragedy that befell a 7 year old boy and his mother, I just think that people who were fans, want answers, they want to understand why and what drove a man they admired to such an act. Its human nature to want to understand things.
If someone that was close to you did something like this or similar, and they had never shown signs of it all the years you had known them, would you not seek answers or some kind of rationale? The fame thing only makes you feel like you know them, its the fact that people think they know Benoit is why they are asking questions or trying to find some kind or reason in this.