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You know, I had no idea who this guy was until today. I read about this in the paper and thought "fucking bastard". Then I came here, read this thread, and my anger towards the guy was overcome for the sadness I felt for his fans. I can't imagine what it must be like to have someone you admire go out like this. Any anger towards him is justified, of course, but in this case it's completely useless. The dude is dead. The end.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Actually, I've come here to condemn Benoit.

No, you didn't. You came here to gloat:

This can't be interpreted as anything other than a joke. That picture says: "Hey, there's a tragedy here. Perfect opportunity to be a cunt!" We all know you wouldn't have used it in your sig if you didn't post in a forum with people who admired the guy. You know why? Because you didn't come here to condemn Benoit: you came here to condemn his fans. Your posts suggest that you feel morally superior to the rest because they feel sad over what happened and you feel angry. Basically, you're criticizing the rest for admiring a scumbag, overlooking the fact that you also admired certified scumbags: Nixon, Liddy, Kissinger. As Grimm said: no, their crimes don't make Benoit less of a murderer (in fact, that's a ridiculous notion that could have only come up as a desperate defense on your part), but they do make you an hypocrite.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Wow. You're getting real clever with those comebacks.

But, seriously, Grimm, Benoit is dead. He can't reciprocate your love or appreciate your spirited defense of his filicidal behavior.

If you really want to be all pals with murderers, why not join one of those prison pen pal programs? Maybe its time to move onto to a living killer.

go fuck yourself.

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 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
You know, I had no idea who this guy was until today. I read about this in the paper and thought "fucking bastard". Then I came here, read this thread, and my anger towards the guy was overcome for the sadness I felt for his fans. I can't imagine what it must be like to have someone you admire go out like this. Any anger towards him is justified, of course, but in this case it's completely useless. The dude is dead. The end.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Actually, I've come here to condemn Benoit.

No, you didn't. You came here to gloat:

This can't be interpreted as anything other than a joke. That picture says: "Hey, there's a tragedy here. Perfect opportunity to be a cunt!" We all know you wouldn't have used it in your sig if you didn't post in a forum with people who admired the guy. You know why? Because you didn't come here to condemn Benoit: you came here to condemn his fans. Your posts suggest that you feel morally superior to the rest because they feel sad over what happened and you feel angry. Basically, you're criticizing the rest for admiring a scumbag, overlooking the fact that you also admired certified scumbags: Nixon, Liddy, Kissinger. As Grimm said: no, their crimes don't make Benoit less of a murderer (in fact, that's a ridiculous notion that could have only come up as a desperate defense on your part), but they do make you an hypocrite.


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 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
You know, I had no idea who this guy was until today. I read about this in the paper and thought "fucking bastard". Then I came here, read this thread, and my anger towards the guy was overcome for the sadness I felt for his fans. .... That picture says: "Hey, there's a tragedy here. Perfect opportunity to be a cunt..."

Even if we accept your premise, isn't your argument a little like saying that, because Jim Jackson felt bad about all the "Pete Townshend researching a book" jokes, no one here should have made them?

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no, it's a bit like saying that you're a bottom feeding, hypocritical cunt and you can go fuck yourself.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
Even if we accept your premise, isn't your argument a little like saying that, because Jim Jackson felt bad about all the "Pete Townshend researching a book" jokes, no one here should have made them?

If Jim Jackson was my friend, and I knew he was feeling bad over it, I wouldn't have made those jokes. I would have stopped the jokes if Franta had said anything (he's also a big Who fan), but he joined in.

Anger, as I said, is completely justified but also completely pointless, especially in this forum. Putting it aside and showing empathy for what your friends are feeling actually serves a purpose. Unless your purpose is shitting on them, of course.

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Debra Williams breaks her silence on spousal abuse and steroids. (it's Fox, beware of factual errors)

Ms. Williams claims she and Nancy Benoit's stories are very similar.

Both sought help from law enforcement because of domestic abuse. In 2003, Benoit sought a divorce from Chris Benoit saying he physically abused her, she also asked the courts for a restraining order. Williams did the same thing on the third occasion when she says she was attacked by ‘Stone Cold.’

Williams says, like Benoit, Austin all but forced her to write a letter to authorities saying her complaint was a mistake. But in Williams’ case, the courts put Austin on probation for a year. In return, Ms. Williams was placed under a gag order, forcing her to remain silent about the "dark side" of professional wrestling, filled with drugs, booze and domestic abuse.

"If only I had spoken up sooner, maybe Nancy and her little boy would be alive today... that's why I'm going public now, something has to change!"

The NY Times spoke with Chris Nowinski (who is convinced Benoit was suffering from long term brain damage), and Nancy's former husband and Benoit's long time in ring rival, Kevin Sullivan.

- In today's New York Times, author/former wrestler Chris Nowinski talks about concussions in the context of Benoit's behavior. "He was one of the only guys who would take a chair shot to the back of the head ... which is stupid," said Nowinski, who according to the article was trying to persuade the coroner examining Mr. Benoit to examine his brain to look for neurofibrillary tangles in the brain's cortex which would be a telltale sign of significant problems. The article goes on to say that Nowinski - who has written a book called Head Games: Football's Concussion Crisis that talks about chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which can cause memory loss, depression and "bizarre, paranoid behavior" - so far has been turned down. He goes on to say that "Part of me hopes there was something wrong with his brain ... The Chris Benoit I knew was always more concerned about everybody else's well-being than his own."

Also in the story, Nancy Benoit's ex-husband Kevin Sullivan says: "I'm in the dark ... I wrestled with him a lot. I thought he was a great performer ... Last night when I found out, it was shocking, just shocking."

The Edmonton Sun talks to Dr. John Bradford, an expert on murder-suicide cases.

Dr. John Bradford, associate chief of the integrated forensic program for the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group, said murder-suicides that wipe out a family are most often carried out by the father.

“The most usual cause is a major depression, normally a severe one with psychotic features,” said Bradford, also a professor of forensic psychiatry at the University of Ottawa.

“They sort of start to think, in this psychotic thinking, that the whole family would be better off in heaven ... that, ‘This is a horrible place, I think we’d all be better off dead.’”

Psychiatrists commonly refer to murder-suicide as “extended suicide,” when the killer decides life is not worth living, he said.

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Scott Keith's final word on the subject.

It does raise an interesting question -- do the deeds of the performer retroactively affect the quality of the performance? Someone noted in another thread that defending Benoit's in-ring work is like trying to seperate Hitler the dictator from Hitler the painter. I don't think that's such a crazy notion, frankly. If you have moral high ground enough to judge the entire body of work of a man because of his deeds in real life, then bully for you. It must be nice to be so righteous. I think it's sad, and it's a tragedy, and Benoit proved to be a horrible human being who got exactly what he deserved, but in the end unless you were related to Nancy and Daniel it's hard to justify acting like you knew them any better than Benoit's longtime fans knew him. In the end, there'll be a TV movie or an episode of Law & Order, and we'll all go on with our lives doing the best we can to cope or mourn or forget about it or whatever. I'm glad I didn't know Benoit the person, because it would have made it a lot tougher to like Benoit the performer, and if nothing else positive can come out of this whole sick situation it's that I can at least still get enjoyment from his matches and hope that one small bit of happiness can overcome the crushing horror that the past two days have brought. I'll take what I can get, I guess.

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The last few lines of that last quote sum up something I said to someone at work a few years ago.
I was listening to a song by a known pedophile.

They asked how I could listen to it.
I told them that I had listened to that song since I was about 6 or 7, so how could I suddenly stop liking it?
I pointed out that I wouldnt pay for his albums, and I'd downloaded the song anyway, so what benefit did Gary Glitter get from it?

In Benoits case, whether you view him as an unfortunate sick man, or a murdering sack of shit, nobody can deny the enjoyment they got from his body of work if you were a fan.

Watching his matches now, and enjoying them does not mean you support what he does, and what benefit does he get from it now anyway?

I dont think anyone here is defending him or is not saddened by the tragedy that befell a 7 year old boy and his mother, I just think that people who were fans, want answers, they want to understand why and what drove a man they admired to such an act.
Its human nature to want to understand things.

If someone that was close to you did something like this or similar, and they had never shown signs of it all the years you had known them, would you not seek answers or some kind of rationale?
The fame thing only makes you feel like you know them, its the fact that people think they know Benoit is why they are asking questions or trying to find some kind or reason in this.

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Wrestler and Wife Argued Over Child Care
Wednesday June 27, 5:45 pm ET
By Greg Bluestein, Associated Press Writer

Wrestler and Wife Argued Over Care of Retarded 7-Year-Old Son

ATLANTA (AP) -- In the days before pro wrestler Chris Benoit killed his wife and child and hanged himself, the couple argued over whether he should stay home more to take care of their mentally retarded 7-year-old son, an attorney for the wrestling league said Wednesday.

"I think it's fair to say that the subject of caring for that child was part of what made their relationship complicated and difficult, and it's something they were both constantly struggling with," said Jerry McDevitt, an attorney for World Wrestling Entertainment. "We do know it was a source of stress and consternation."

McDevitt said the wrestling organization learned from the couple's friends and relatives that the Benoits were struggling with where to send the boy to school since he had recently finished kindergarten.

He also said Benoit's wife didn't want him to quit wrestling, but she "wanted him to be at home more to care for the kid. She'd say she can't take care of him by herself when he was on the road."

The child suffered from a rare medical condition called Fragile X Syndrome, an inherited form of mental retardation often accompanied by autism, McDevitt said.

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NWM has become the voice of reason....these interview things are good for you---keep doing them.

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Its funny that so many of you kept telling me to ignore g-man but in this thread you take his bait every time.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
rex #825487 2007-06-27 10:08 PM
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Benoit took the cowards way out of life. When he had to make some difficult choices he decided to give up and kill everyone involved. If you want to continue to support him thats up to you.

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rex #825490 2007-06-27 10:11 PM
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I think we are just waiting for more info and the toxicology report.

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 Originally Posted By: Grimm

an inherited form of mental retardation .

Well I think that gives a strong suggestion that Chris' mental issues were probably not new or caused by drugs (although drugs would heighten it of course).

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How do you know it wasn't inherited by Nancy?

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I posted before I thought

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 Originally Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

The disturbing thing is he may have been injecting them into his son, Daniel which if true is deplorable.

As I understand it, the reason his son was apparently taking steroids is that he was prescribed them for being undersized, which (if true) is, to me at least, not deplorable at all (if perhaps a little stupid: steroids are a very dangerous thing, and getting your son a prescription because he's short seems unnecessary to me).

It wasn't/wouldn't have been because he was "short," but because of a growth deficiency. Working at College Pharmacy, we specialized in hormone replacement therapy, including human growth hormones. It isn't such a strange thing as you may think.

Also, allergy medications can be steroids (think Flonase). Painkillers can be steroids. Menopause hormone replacements are steroids. In small amounts steroids are very different from what you typically assume.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

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"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

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 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
If I wanted to turn this thread into a joke I would have posted a two scoops of murder joke when Uschi spelled "cereal Killer".

I would have posted one of the many macros I've seen the last 24 hours with Benoit's picture and some quote about him finally/having to "choke a bitch." I assume (due to the proliferation) it was a catchphrase of his?

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
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"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"
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 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Benoit was a fucking scumbag, pure and simple. I don't care how many ladder matches he wrestled in, or how many titles he won.

Every murderer, thief, and criminal has some sort of excuse or sob story. Anyone who doubts this should go visit a prison some time, and talk to any of the inmates. Every one of them has a tale of woe that they use to justify their behavior.

People with character and strength rise above their problems. Cunts like Benoit kill their families.

I agree with JLA.

Old men, fear me! You will shatter under my ruthless apathetic assault!

Uschi - 2
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"I am convinced that this world is of no importance, and that the only people who care about dates are imbeciles and Spanish teachers." -- Jean Arp, 1921

"If Jesus came back and saw what people are doing in his name, he would never never stop throwing up." - Max von Sydow, "Hannah and Her Sisters"
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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
First Snarf attacked the source I posted, and tried to imply (inaccurately) that only FOX was reporting he murdered his family.

Noooo.... I never questioned the source. Even admits it was most likely a murder. What I WAS attacking was your attitude, which falls in line with what we saw posted earlier in the thread by FOX. It basically popularizes the stereotypes non-fans associate with professional wrestling.

The fact is G-Man, you are not a forensic psychologist on this case, nor an investigator, nor a judge, or anything. The investigation is still ongoing as to what, exactly, happened. Until that time, anything we say in this thread is mere hearsay, speculation, and conjecture.

And how dare you say we don't care?!? There have been numerous instances in this thread were we have given time to mourn Nancy and Daniel, and to offer a prayer to the two older children (whom, I've noticed, you haven't even mentioned, despite how well-researched you try to present yourself) who have lost a father, a mother, and a little brother all in a short period of time. I thank God that they weren't at the house at the time, or lord knows what could've happened. And I can only offer them my prayers in this turbulent time; as angry and confused as we fans are, it must be a thousand times worse for Benoit's surviving son and daughter.

The simple fact is, G-Man, you came in here looking to stir up a hornet's nest for no other reason than you could. You can save the holier-than-thou rhetoric, because we all see through your bullshit.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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I'm kinda shocked people haven't come down as hard on Benoit as they did on that Va Tech kid, ya know?

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 Originally Posted By: Uschi
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
If I wanted to turn this thread into a joke I would have posted a two scoops of murder joke when Uschi spelled "cereal Killer".

I would have posted one of the many macros I've seen the last 24 hours with Benoit's picture and some quote about him finally/having to "choke a bitch." I assume (due to the proliferation) it was a catchphrase of his?

"Choke a bitch" is, I believe, a reference to Chappelle's Show. Chris Benoit actually didn't really have any catchphrases to speak of, as he usually didn't talk on the mic.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
I'm kinda shocked people haven't come down as hard on Benoit as they did on that Va Tech kid, ya know?

I can't speak for others on this board, but I don't believe I commented at all on the VA Tech shooting. I certainly didn't spew G-Man levels of venom. Without knowing the details of the case, it's not really my place to say anything about the shooter or the victims.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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The following is from a newsletter from April Hunter, an independent wrestler and nude model...


"Roid Rage" and Benoit

Like everyone else, I am shocked to hear about the Benoit family deaths. There have already been many moving commentaries written. I mostly feel betrayed... because I feel that Chris Benoit was someone everyone loved, trusted, respected and looked up to. No one had a bad thing to say about him. He was the epitome of morality. If HE isn't truly like the person we believed him to be...then what about the rest of us?

However, I would rather comment on another part of this story. I've always felt that "roid rage" label was a media cop out to sensationalize a story or blame it on something.

A roid rage is a flash of heat, like a child's temper tantrum. It a quick outburst of violence or aggression and usually leaves as fast as it arrived. It certainly does not last an entire weekend.
--When Phil Hartman's wife killed him and then herself not long ago it was never called roid rage.

--There are a lot of athletes (and people) who take steroids. Most of them manage to not kill family members.

--Is anyone investigating Bobby Cutts Jr for roid rage? He's accused of killing his pregnant girlfriend. But he's not a wrestler (he's a cop) - so no...they're not.

--PITTSBURGH PA. March 2007, George Terry, A retired custodian fatally shot his wife and two sons in their sleep, then turned the gun on himself, police said Thursday. As far as I know, he was not investigated for steroids.

"Wrestling" = "Steroids" to the general public. And "Steroids" = "Bad". That's the light it's been painted in.

A few facts: Anabolic steroids have used for numerous medical purposes including stimulation of bone growth, appetite, puberty, and muscle growth.

They have been used for prisoners of war to help them grow. For bone marrow stimulation, children with growth failure (dwarfs), to stimulate appetite, stimulate libido, testosterone therapy, fight many age related problems and bring on stalled puberty. The most widespread medical uses of anabolic steroids are used to help people with chronic wasting conditions, such as cancer and AIDS.

Despite rumors and heresy, no scientific evidence has shown any long-term serious health defects from proper use of anabolic steroids.

If someone's a violent, controlling person, using or not using steroids isn't going to change that --- or make them murder another. (That's like assuming that everyone who has ever used cocaine is an ATM robber or prostitute.)

I believe it's much deeper than that.

As someone who escaped a bad relationship that was very much headed in this direction, I know now that many entertainers have two personalities: the public/TV persona everyone knows and the private version few will ever.

I am not defending legal or illegal drugs. What I am questioning is why we can't look at things deeper and for what they really are, instead of giving them a sensational LABEL or placing blame elsewhere. Either way, it doesn't bring anyone back.

RIP Nancy & Daniel Benoit.

April Hunter

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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From the Associated Press:

Professional wrestler Chris Benoit met with his personal physician hours before he allegedly killed his wife and son and then hanged himself in his basement, the doctor said Wednesday.

"He was in my office on Friday to stop by just to see my staff," said Dr. Phil Astin of metro Atlanta. "He certainly didn't show any signs of any distress or rage or anything."

Authorities say Benoit strangled his wife, suffocated his 7-year-old son Daniel and placed a Bible next to their bodies before hanging himself with a weight-machine pulley over the weekend. No motive was offered for the killings, which were spread out over the weekend and discovered Monday.

Astin, who said he was Benoit's longtime friend and physician, said he had prescribed testosterone to Benoit because he suffered from low amounts of the hormone. He said the condition likely originated from previous steroid use. He would not say what, if any, medications he prescribed the day of the meeting.

"I'm still very surprised and shocked, especially with his child Daniel involved," said Astin. "He worshipped his child."

Investigators said Benoit's 43-year-old wife was strangled Friday with what appeared to be a cable in an upstairs family room, and her feet and wrists were bound and there was blood under her head, indicating a possible struggle. Daniel was probably killed late Saturday or early Sunday, and his body was found in his bed, the district attorney said.

Before the killings, the family was struggling with how to care for the child, who suffered from a rare medical condition called Fragile X Syndrome, an inherited form of mental retardation often accompanied by autism, said Jerry McDevitt, an attorney for World Wrestling Entertainment.

"Him and Nancy were clearly struggling about this whole issue, about how to take care of Daniel," said McDevitt.

"I don't know what he confronted when he went back into the house," he said. "No one really knows that. We'll have to see. Clearly this issue of the son was a stressor on both of their relationships for some time."

District Attorney Scott Ballard said the autopsy indicated that there were no bruise marks on his neck, so authorities are now assuming he could have been killed using a choke hold. "It's a process of elimination," he said.

Anabolic steroids were found in Benoit's home, leading officials to wonder whether the drugs may have caused the muscle man nicknamed the "Canadian Crippler" to kill his wife and child and then himself.

The WWE, based in Stamford, Conn., issued a news release Tuesday evening saying steroids "were not and could not be related to the cause of death" and that the findings indicate "deliberation, not rage." It also added that Benoit tested negative April 10, the last time he was tested for drugs.

"The drugs they had found in there, including the steroids, were all pursuant to legitimate prescription. We know they know which doctor prescribed it," McDevitt said. "There's no question, none of these drugs are out there, none of these drugs came from Internet pharmacies."

While steroids can cause the paranoia and explosive outbursts known as "roid rage," the drug is also associated with deep and lengthy bouts of depression.

"Just as you have the extreme high of when you're on steroids, you can get the opposite," said Dr. Todd Schlifstein, a clinical assistant professor at the New York University School of Medicine. "You can have a dramatic difference in mood swings. You can feel there's no hope, there's no future."

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 Originally Posted By: Uschi
 Originally Posted By: SpandexMonkeyMan
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

The disturbing thing is he may have been injecting them into his son, Daniel which if true is deplorable.

As I understand it, the reason his son was apparently taking steroids is that he was prescribed them for being undersized, which (if true) is, to me at least, not deplorable at all (if perhaps a little stupid: steroids are a very dangerous thing, and getting your son a prescription because he's short seems unnecessary to me).

It wasn't/wouldn't have been because he was "short," but because of a growth deficiency. Working at College Pharmacy, we specialized in hormone replacement therapy, including human growth hormones. It isn't such a strange thing as you may think.

Also, allergy medications can be steroids (think Flonase). Painkillers can be steroids. Menopause hormone replacements are steroids. In small amounts steroids are very different from what you typically assume.

steroids are actually very commonly prescribed to help people get over injuries. it's not the drug itself, it's how the drug is used or more frequently abused, that's the problem. something most people forget.

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 Originally Posted By: Grimm

The NY Times spoke with Chris Nowinski (who is convinced Benoit was suffering from long term brain damage), and Nancy's former husband and Benoit's long time in ring rival, Kevin Sullivan.

- In today's New York Times, author/former wrestler Chris Nowinski talks about concussions in the context of Benoit's behavior. "He was one of the only guys who would take a chair shot to the back of the head ... which is stupid," said Nowinski, who according to the article was trying to persuade the coroner examining Mr. Benoit to examine his brain to look for neurofibrillary tangles in the brain's cortex which would be a telltale sign of significant problems. The article goes on to say that Nowinski - who has written a book called Head Games: Football's Concussion Crisis that talks about chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which can cause memory loss, depression and "bizarre, paranoid behavior" - so far has been turned down. He goes on to say that "Part of me hopes there was something wrong with his brain ... The Chris Benoit I knew was always more concerned about everybody else's well-being than his own."

Also in the story, Nancy Benoit's ex-husband Kevin Sullivan says: "I'm in the dark ... I wrestled with him a lot. I thought he was a great performer ... Last night when I found out, it was shocking, just shocking."

That's an interesting theory. Given's Benoit's history of neck injuries, I wouldn't be surprised if had one or more brain/ nervous system issues that were a precipitating factor.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!

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Maybe is was a combination of all of the above.

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 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
Maybe is was a combination of all of the above.

I think it's very likely a combination of personal and professional issues, and mental problems caused anxieties and stress. I'm not as sure about Nowinski's theory, but it's worth a consideration.

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I had a feeling that this was due to the son's condition, or, rather, that the son's problems were a major reason that Benoit did what he did.

I am certain that the medical bills were piling up.

It was, as stated, due to many factors.

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also, having a child with such medical issues puts a considerable strain on even the strongest marriage...

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death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.

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Thank you captain obvious.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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Victoria aka Lisa Marie Varon posted this:

Hey All.

I had planned off talking about a recent trip to an arena football game, but I would be remiss not to address the Chris Benoit situation. Everyone who knew anything about wrestling knew of his in-ring contributions. I truly don't know what I can say and not get in trouble with the WWE. Anyone who reads my blogs regularly knows how much I love wrestling, and being part of the WWE. But I think what I have to say is more important. His son, Daniel, came to many shows. We bonded. He a was a cute little boy. What Chris did was selfish and hurtful. I fear that him being a superstar in some way glamorizes the situation. That's not what suicide is. It is selfish and hurtful. As long as you have a breath to breathe, you can make change to improve your life. You can talk to family, or friends, or clergy. And if you're not comfortable with any of them, here are two phone numbers for a Suicide and Crisis Hotline. 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) or 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK). They take calls 24/7. You always have options. Maybe someday I'll be able to forgive Chris, but not today.

God Bless Us All, Lisa Marie

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 Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
also, having a child with such medical issues puts a considerable strain on even the strongest marriage...

just imagine what rex's family has to go through!

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Now I just read an article online where Mrs Benoit had asked for a divorce in '03, citing physical cruelty, but soon recanted the charges.

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death bring you the peace you never found in

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 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

I've only laughed a couple of times over the last few days. this has been one of them.

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What we think of Benoit as a person and of how he performed in the ring are different things altogether. And while I enjoyed many of his matches I'm not sure if I could forgive him for all this. He had to have known he had choices in his situation and him being famous only means he shocked more people.

Eddie Guerrero said
"I've been here before. Backed into a corner, another huge obstacle, time to make a choice. You seem to be a bit preoccupied, Brock. You're not gonna be facing Eddie Guerrero the opponent tonight. You're gonna be facing Latino Heat!! They say there's No Way Out. I can think of at least one, ese (sp?). Can you?"
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