Originally Posted By: the G-man
First Snarf attacked the source I posted, and tried to imply (inaccurately) that only FOX was reporting he murdered his family.

Noooo.... I never questioned the source. Even WWE.com admits it was most likely a murder. What I WAS attacking was your attitude, which falls in line with what we saw posted earlier in the thread by FOX. It basically popularizes the stereotypes non-fans associate with professional wrestling.

The fact is G-Man, you are not a forensic psychologist on this case, nor an investigator, nor a judge, or anything. The investigation is still ongoing as to what, exactly, happened. Until that time, anything we say in this thread is mere hearsay, speculation, and conjecture.

And how dare you say we don't care?!? There have been numerous instances in this thread were we have given time to mourn Nancy and Daniel, and to offer a prayer to the two older children (whom, I've noticed, you haven't even mentioned, despite how well-researched you try to present yourself) who have lost a father, a mother, and a little brother all in a short period of time. I thank God that they weren't at the house at the time, or lord knows what could've happened. And I can only offer them my prayers in this turbulent time; as angry and confused as we fans are, it must be a thousand times worse for Benoit's surviving son and daughter.

The simple fact is, G-Man, you came in here looking to stir up a hornet's nest for no other reason than you could. You can save the holier-than-thou rhetoric, because we all see through your bullshit.

Knutreturns said: Spoken like the true Greatest RDCW Champ!

All hail King Snarf!