Haven't watched wrestling since I was 17. Don't get it, don't like it. Don't know this guy from a can of paint.
What I can't understand is why there are so many people here trying to justify the actions of a what boils down to a complete stranger. I get that you are fans of the guy. But, none of you actually know him. None of you even know his REAL personality...all you know is the character he plays on the wrestling shows.
All that stuff is fake, correct? They all follow storylines and play a role...like soap operas, right?
I can see being a fan of the guy and feeling sad that he's gone. I can see feeling sory for what his friends and family are going thru. What doesn't make sense to me is the apparent JUSTIFICATION/EXCUSE of his behavior...'roids, mercy killing, mental imbalance, whatever.
Here's the apparent facts: Dude killed his wife, his 7 year old kid and then himself. End of Story. To my eyes, he might deserve pity but, not sympathy.
Funny how some of the people that want to crucify Barry Bonds, et al for their alleged steroid use are jumping at the chance to use this guy's possible steroid use as an excuse for killing his family.
Some of you guys sound just like all the black folks that tried to defend/exonerate O.J. when he killed his wife and her boyfriend...cuz he did. I grew up in Buffalo NY during The Juice's heyday. He was one of my idols but, I had no problems being rational about the fact that he is a double murderer who was able to manipulate the system thru wealth and gross incompetence on the part of the D.A.
Look, it's hard when our idols disappoint us. But, just because you like the way a guy appears to be...it doesn't make him a good guy. Yeah, there are all kinds of tributes to the guy from people that knew him but, what do you really expect them to say...?
"Yeah we all knew that it was a matter of time before Chris killed somebody. He was a movie of the week waiting to happen..."
Of course not. Everybody is going to fight to be the first to say nice things about the guy...even those that might have been his "enemy" on TV. Or people that knew him and disliked him FOR REAL. That's what happens when events like this occur.
Point is, I understand if you will miss seeing him on TV. I understand if you admired his skill as a wrestler. I understand if you appreciated the way he played his part on the TV show.
What boggles my mind is how a guy that murdered his family...FOR WHATEVER REASON...is so deserving of defense for his actions by people that have never even been close enough to spit on him much less hang out, have a beer with and get to know him.
G-man is being his usual bitch-made self and stirring the pot for no reason. But, the essence of his statements are correct. Attacking him for his past behavior or his politics in this case is beneath all of you. Everyone on this thread is better than that. You've sunk to his level by arguing with him...especially in this instance.
Because, as much as it pains me to say it, he's right. Whatever dude might have been to all of you in the past, you have to accept the fact that,from now on, he's a murderer. A child murderer at that. HIS OWN CHILD on top of everything.
I'm not trying to provoke or piss on anybody here but, c'mon guys...
What really makes this guy any different from the thousands of murderers you DON'T see on TV every week?
Oderint, dum metuant.
You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!