For the last year, a user going by the name of MazingMan728 has been posting major issue spoilers for "52" and recently "Countdown" on the DC boards. Usually he posted a scene by scene description of the plot of the issue, the Monday before the book shipped. And while some creators have not been happy to see their work reduced so, DC Comics has not reacted negatively.
Last week though something changed. After Mazing Man did the same to the new issues of "JLA" and the "Flash," and did so at the ComicBloc boards, there were complaints, all of MazingMan728's posts from the DC boards were removed and a contrite apology issued. It did rather smack of those forced apologies issued by employees at CrossGen.
It appears that MazingMan728 was a prominent figure working at Diamond Comics, the sole direct market distribution agent for DC Comics. DC Comics were moved to track MazingMan728's IP number and use further clues to identify him.
It appears that DC were happy for MazingMan728 to post what he did regarding some books, and there is evidence that such posts increased interest and sales in the series. But when it came to major series, high profile built up event spoilers, it was a different story.
That's crap. DC didn't track his IP, it was some board user that took it upon himself to do it. Then said user called "Mazing" and threatened him by saying he was going to get him fired or some stupid shit like that so mazing stopped posting spoilers. Also, from what I've heard mazingman didn't work at Diamond at all.