Bret refutes Bruce's opinions

MONTREAL -- Bret "Hitman" Hart says drugs aren't to blame for Chris Benoit's death.

Unlike what his brother Bruce told Sun Media, Hart described Benoit as level-headed and down-to-earth, and rejected the image of him as moody and quiet.

"I never saw him lose his temper or act strange or weird," he said. "I don't remember Chris as being a guy who took a lot of pills or drank too hard.

"I think you'll find over the next few weeks this steroid thing was played up too much."

Hart, who knew Benoit since he was 12, wondered if the rigours of professional wrestling simply took their toll. "You live a very solitary, lonely life," he said.

He added Benoit never mentioned marital issues or his son. "He was a pretty tough, manly kind of guy and maybe he didn't feel right pouring his heart out to somebody.

"You can find things can eat away at your stability and it seems to me that Chris just went off the deep end."

Jacque Rougeau (The Mountie) comments:

A demanding lifestyle aimed at maintaining a chiselled physique, along with a gruelling travel schedule that sees wrestlers on the road up to 25 days a month create serious problems of dependency and depression, warns former wrestler Jacques Rougeau.

"Twenty years ago, we thought steroid use was bad and now we have the proof," Rougeau, who insists he's never taken steroids himself, said in an interview yesterday.

"It's one thing that they take steroids, but they have a lonely life, they miss their families. So at 11:30 when they get out of the arena, they hit the bars. They mix alcohol and steroids and pain pills and that doesn't go together."

Head trauma researchers following Nowinski's lead and want to examine Benoit's brain:

Researchers involved with the study of brain trauma in deceased NFL players are seeking permission to look at Benoit's brain to try to learn whether head trauma might have played a role in Benoit's condition.

"We don't know, but we would like to find out," said Julian Bailes, chairman of neurosurgery at the University of West Virginia and medical director of the Center for the Study of Retired Athletes. "We could be talking about the effects of head trauma, or the effects of head trauma in conjunction with substance abuse, or something else.

AP Photo/WWE, HO

Brain-trauma researchers believe Chris Benoit might have suffered the kind of concussion-related dementia that marked some NFL players' declines.
"We have seen repeated concussions associated with changes in the brain. These are abnormal changes in former football players who behaved in extreme and destructive ways. We need to ask if this is part of the same syndrome."

The researchers -- the same group who conducted postmortems on former NFL players Andre Waters and Justin Strzelczyk -- believe it is possible Benoit suffered the kind of concussion-related dementia that marked the other athletes' declines.

A source told, however, that even if the researchers' request is granted, the brain might be too damaged to examine. By the time police found Benoit's body on Monday, it had been lying in the 93-degree heat for at least a day. According to a source familiar with the local coroner's exam, it was virtually "liquefied." Still, the researchers hope they can obtain enough tissue to determine whether repeated concussions damaged Benoit's brain and perhaps played a role in his behavior.

Despite speculation about his steroid use, Benoit was never one of the bulkiest wrestlers in the business. In fact, his gimmick was his workmanship. Benoit's signature move was an aerial leap off the top of the ring post, which sent him airborne toward his opponent, who invariably was lying on the mat. It was designed to look as if he were spearing his rival. But Benoit pulled up just before impact, absorbing most of the stress himself. That caused his neck to become so fragile that he underwent surgery in 2001 to fuse his vertebrae. It kept him out of wrestling for nearly a year.

When he returned, he resumed the move and continued to take repeated shots to the head with chairs, said Mike Mooneyham, co-author of "Sex, Lies, and Headlocks," a book about the WWE. "His friends told him to lay off, but that wasn't Chris," Mooneyham says.

Scientists are still trying to piece together the links between blows to the head, physical changes to the brain and cognitive impairment, which can lead to depression, memory loss and abnormal behavior. Doctors affiliated with the NFL have heatedly denied a connection between football-related concussions and full-blown chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the dementia seen in punch-drunk boxers.

Bennet Omalu, a Pittsburgh pathologist, examined Waters' brain after the former NFL player committed suicide in November. Omalu found that Waters' brain looked as if it belonged to an 85-year-old man with signs of Alzheimer's disease. Omalu also found unusual tangles in the brain and concluded that multiple concussions had caused, or severely worsened, Waters' neurological problems. Last month, Omalu also examined Strzelczyk, who died in a massive car wreck in 2004, and found the same tangles he had seen in Waters.

Now, Bailes, Omalu and Christopher Nowinski, a former professional wrestler who obtained permission to examine Waters' brain and who worked with Benoit, have formed the Sports Legacy Institute to formalize the postmortem study of athletes' brains. If samples from Benoit become available, the group will get a chance to see where one wrestler's brain fits into the overall spectrum of the long-term effects of concussions.

"The first reports were that it was in no condition to be looked at," said a source familiar with the group's request, "but there's still a possibility a sample could be retrieved."

Peter Keating and Shaun Assael are senior writers for ESPN The Magazine. Assael is also the co-author of "Sex, Lies, and Headlocks: The Real Story of Vince McMahon and World Wrestling Entertainment,"