I think Dr. Astin's going to prison, losing his medical license, and that the Wellness Policy has just been publicly exposed as the joke that we always suspected it to be.

If the news breaking today that Chris Benoit was being supplied with ten months worth of anabolic steroids every three to four weeks by Dr. Phil Astin turns out to be accurate, this will make World Wrestling Entertainment look extremely bad stemming from their press release comments last week.

U.S. Attorney David Nahmias reported that on average, Benoit was reportedly getting a ten-month supply of anabolic steroids every three to four weeks during a period from May 4, 2006 to May 9, 2007 from Dr. Astin. So, the April 10, 2007 WWE drug test that Benoit passed was right in the middle of that time period, making earlier claims by WWE look like a joke now to the media and a huge blow to the company overall.

Records are showing that Dr. Astin prescribed over 1 million doses of numerous drugs over the last two years, many of which were prescription painkillers and anabolic steroids. Many of the prescriptions were un-dated, which is illegal. - Said one federal agent about Dr. Phil Astin: "Dr. Astin allegedly prescribed these drugs like candy. Dirty doctors should be on notice that they face federal prosecution and federal prison time."

The early reaction to this news has to be complete credibility loss for WWE when it comes to the company's Wellness Policy. And with Benoit more than likely being tested throughout the year, it is pretty much impossible to have any form of confidence in the drug policy with the release of this information contradicting everything. It should be noted that Benoit was off for many months in 2006 and likely was not tested by WWE during that period, but it's believed he was tested at least four times minimum during a period where he was taking very heavy doses of anabolic steroids based on the timeline provided by investigators today.

It's now been made public that Benoit was arguing with his wife Nancy over his increased use of steroids at the same time he was subject to a drug testing policy. WWE announcing that Benoit passed a drug test on April 10 is something that can no longer hold up among public opinion now that these facts have been released, especially with it taking place well into the beginning of the Wellness policy being implemented. There are numerous possibilities on how Benoit may have been passing tests. Either WWE's testing is very flawed, Benoit found a way to beat the tests or the drug tests were a cover (although that could be disputed with wrestlers such as Chris Masters and Joey Mercury being subject to them not long ago).

Dave Meltzer provided an excellent commentary on this situation saying quote: "This is the first time when I truly fear that wrestling as we know it not only will be undergoing great changes, but that as bad as Vince McMahon's reputation is in some circles, and even with his history of rebounding from negatives, this will tarnish it to a level that he may never live to fully turn around. There will be a far increased number of cries in the media over the next week, which have already started, to do something about the industry. Between the advertisers, sponsors, and those action figures with the muscular physiques, this is not a story going away soon."