I was walking through Piccadilly Circus at about 1.30pm on Thursday night.

That's where the car bomb that didn't explode was.

I survived a non-exploding car bomb.

This is the third time terrorists have tried to blow me up and failed. Where's my medal?

I'm told Mark Waid is only writing four issues of the Flash series. Possibly before taking over some nice big fat exec role at DC.

not the first time the rumor about Waid getting a big cushy office job at DC has come up. he did start as an editor. . .

Told you it would get media coverage.

One little tweak is that the early Associates Press release had the funeral of Captain America taking place in the "latest issue of Marvel Comics" rather than the "latest issue of Marvel Comics' "Fallen Son"' which it was later amended to. So, about half the reports went with the former. Shouldn't be too much for a comic shop to handle, but it does throw up problems with certain titles and labelling issues that the comics industry takes for granted.

As promised, a DEFCOM-style list of upcoming publicity information, that any publisher can happily use to promote an upcoming event. DEFCOMIC. HA, like that? I do. Look this is a really slow week for me, I have to get them where I can.

DEFCOMIC 1. Insane media obsession. DEATH OF SUPERMAN.

DEFCOMIC 2. Mass coverage, even on a busy news day: DEATH OF CAPTAIN AMERICA.

DEFCOMIC 3. Mass coverage, on a slow news day UNMASKING OF SPIDER-MAN.

DEFCOMIC 4. Spotlight coverage that gets everywhere GAY BATWOMAN, GAY AUTHORITY.

DEFCOMIC 5. Spotlight coverage that gets lots of places CAPTAIN AMERICA FUNERAL

DEFCOMIC 6. Inconsidered kneejerk feature articles LOST GIRLS, BISHOP.

DEFCOMIC 7. Considered featured articles ALICE IN SUNDERLAND, PERSEPOLIS.

DEFCOMIC 8. Mention in a prominent media feature - 2000AD (B.L.A.I.R. ONE)

DEFCOMIC 9. Appearance in the background of other media - MILK AND CHEESE, DEATH, FLASH.

DEFCOMIC 10. Slow news day, page 12 of the Times newspaper - FLYING FRIAR.

wasn't nearly as big a media explosion as I expectd. meh.