Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
They are either lying cunts just trying to get media attention, or they are people who ignored what was a potentially dangerous situation, and are now trying to get media attention.
Either way, they are trading on the deaths of a woman and a young boy to make themselves feel important.
They probably justify it by saying "Chris was a monster, so so what if I get a little attention out of it?", but fail to realise Chris is just part of the story they are abusing to get their names and faces in the papers and tv.

Cunts either way.

and speaking of which, you knew with the media dragging out anyone they could find involved with wrestling it wouldn't be long before someone talked to Hogan:


Wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan was shocked when the WWE’s Chris Benoit, 40, murdered his wife, Nancy, and son, Daniel, 7, then committed suicide the weekend of June 23.

“He was peaceful and kept to himself,” he tells Us.

Hogan, who last saw Benoit in March, says he wonders what pushed the wrestler over the edge. "I think it had to be something personal, a domestic problem between him and his wife."

And Hogan tells US the wrestler’s wife (and WWE costar) had a dark side.

“She was into devil-worship stuff. It was part of her [wrestling] character, but [she was] somebody who gets so close to their character, someone who gets into their character too much. Sometimes these people believe their own publicity.”

yeah, cuz Hogan never got too much into his career or believed his own publicity. \:rollseyes