Originally Posted By: Joe Mama

Nonono...I'm talking about you turning on Knurkel in that post. And I drink Guinness or Jack 'n' Cokes.

Nah...wasn't turning on the brutha. Never that.

He's got the chance to be the me that I never was...it's all about "If I knew then, what I know now" type of thing.

I kicked it with a chick about 10 or so years older than me when I was a bit younger than knurkel...got schooled at a bar one night. Still hit it but, wasn't as good as I could have been.

Just trying to make sure he can hang...

Oh and Jack'n'Cokes are played from what I hear. It's Jack'n'Ginger for Aught sebbin.

I wouldn't know...Jack Daniels makes my pubes fall out

Oderint, dum metuant.

You are a god damned idiot, you know that? You ought to be smacked upside your dumb-fuck head, even after all these years. Shame on you!
-USCHI showin' some love