Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: PJP
One thing about JLA and his protoge......we are very much independent rogues that make allies that are convenient for the time being. We are RKMB free agents and can turn heel or face anytime.

Yeah! I taught you well...

PJP would never sell out the way you have, Paul. The student has surpassed the teacher. The only question that remains is, how did she get to you? What did she offer that bought you out so easily?

I'm so disillusioned... \:nono\: \:nono\: \:nono\:

Hold me, \:grumble\:
I tried to enlist elsia and Jeff Glacier last week to help attack a fellow poster.....sadly they felt that would be unchristian.....nevertheless you should know that with PJP and JLA anything is possible.....RwO for Life.


The world, as I know it, has ended. Next thing you know, Nowhereman will be a sunny, chipper British gent with nothing but kind words. The message board gods are in the midst of their Ragnarok...


Hold me, \:grumble\:

Go fuck yourself you fat cunt!

This post actually fills me with relief. Relief that I'll unload in his twatty, chinless, ginger face while he's licking my balls!

Two facts you got mixed up:
I have a chin
You have no balls

Thankyou for playing, better luck next time!