Simple fact is though, even if the toxicology reports come back as positive for any drugs, it still doesnt explain what happened to Chris and his family!
The likelyhood is that none of us will ever know, and it will always be pure speculation.
The whole drugs in wrestling thing might very well be a problem, but the backlash on this now is quite laughable in a tragic way.
Too many people have taken a terrible tragedy and used it to get on their own soapboxes, either to push their own agendas or to just raise their profiles!
Its gotten to the point where Nancy and Daniel have become forgotten.
If this issue had risen out of the death of Eddie Guerrero, it would be more understandable, but instead all those people stayed quiet, just waiting for a bigger story to grab onto with their greedy little hands!
If you are gonna attack WWE and the industry, do it because its the right thing to do, not because you want to piggy back someone elses tragedy to raise your own profile!