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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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Rose only had to look into the heart of the Tardis while poor Martha had to travel around on her own for a year after averything goes kablewey. That's another thing that pissed me off about that. Why the hell did they have to go through all that bullshit when, in the end, all Jack did was shoot the damn paradox machine with a fucking machine gun? They couldn't have done that to begin with? Good point. The writer should have thrown in a line early on where the master suggests the parodox machine is crucial to the human race somehow.
Fair play!
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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Okay, just watched the last three episodes. I was actually enjoying them. The different take on the Master was good, but not what I'd want as a permanent counter-point to this Doctor. Actually, I dug the shit out of him (as you can see by my avatar). I don't know. I don't want to discuss the details too much until it's aired on Sci-Fi. No reason to spoil anything. I didn't dislike it. I just thought that you didn't need an over-the-top Master for and over-the-top Doctor. He'd been perfect against Colin Baker or Peter Davidson. Roger Delgado will always be THE Master to me. All others are good, but he created the role, and he still owns it!
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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I think the spheres would have worked better as the Gelth. Killing people then using their bodies as hosts.
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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Okay, just watched the last three episodes. I was actually enjoying them. The different take on the Master was good, but not what I'd want as a permanent counter-point to this Doctor. Actually, I dug the shit out of him (as you can see by my avatar). I don't know. I don't want to discuss the details too much until it's aired on Sci-Fi. No reason to spoil anything. I didn't dislike it. I just thought that you didn't need an over-the-top Master for and over-the-top Doctor. He'd been perfect against Colin Baker or Peter Davidson. Roger Delgado will always be THE Master to me. All others are good, but he created the role, and he still owns it! Roger Delgado will always be THE Master to me. All others are good, but he created the role, and he still owns it! Me too. I really didn't like Ainley all that much. Delgado was awesome. He played the Master as such an vain sociopath.
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 The TARDIS - The Most Famous Time Machine The Doctor travels through both time and space anywhere through normal space and exo-space and the alternate dimensions in the TARDIS. (TARDIS - Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.) It seems that the Doctor “stole” his old Type 40 from his home planet - Gallifrey. The “old girl” is probably past her best and the Doctor spends his life repairing and tinkering with her works. It has broken down frequently and rarely goes where the Doctor wants. The Time Lords track the TARDIS’s movements and have taken control of the machine on more than one occasion. They could recover the TARDIS if they really wanted it back from the Doctor. The Doctor has said that there is a Recall Circuit but this has only been used on three occasions in the Timelords’ history. It has also been known for the Timelords to remove the Main Time Element to disable the machine. The TARDIS also has a life and a mind of its own. It is not unknown for the controls to operate themselves. It also plays a part in his regenerations and the Doctor has said that he could not survive without it. The Doctor and the TARDIS communicate telepathically and different TARDIS can “talk” to one another. The TARDIS can even project the Doctors thoughts to his companions. If he is in the TARDIS, the Doctor places his hands on two circular discs on the console to activate the telepathic circuits. There were 305 TARDIS and the other 304 have been de-commissioned. The register shows an entry against the Doctors machine that reads “Reference Malfeasance Tribunal Order dated 309906”. Two Timelords, Rassilon and Omega were jointly responsible for the feat of temporal engineering that makes time travel possible. The TARDIS travels through time by dematerialising and entering the Temporal Vortex. This allows it to travel through the Space-Time Continuum and then rematerialise at its destination. The Doctor tells us that his TARDIS uses a Mark 1 dematerialisation circuit. The TARDIS exterior is supposed to metamorphoses into an object that is not out of place in its new surroundings. However, the Chameleon Circuit broke down whilst visiting 1960s London and is now stuck in the shape of an out-of-date police box. The plasmatic outer shell should be capable of assuming any shape and varying size. It may be noted that other Time Lord time capsules seen during the various adventures do, indeed, conceal themselves. The TARDIS is surrounded by a force field that makes it virtually indestructible. This is a double curtain trimonic barrier. All travellers in the TARDIS remark on the fact that the interior of the machine is much larger than the outside. This is because the TARDIS is “dimensionally transcendental” and the exterior and interior exist in separate dimensions which means they do not have to relate in size. The Time Vector Generator is a gold tipped rod about 18 inches long fitted inside a compartment close to the main doors. If it is removed, the TARDIS interior reverts to normal size relative to its exterior. The Doctor has used the TVG’s energy as a projectable beam weapon or for boosting communcations in emergancies. The Relative Dimensional Stabiliser is part of the TARDIS control system that allows the ship to cross dimensional boundaries. The Doctor has used it to reduce himself and companions to microscopic size. The TARDIS is controlled by the Doctor from a hexagonal central column in the control room with its famous roundelled walls. The Emergency Unit is a box that plugs into the central column and when turned on takes the TARDIS out of Space-Time and beyond reality. The TARDIS also has the Hostile Action Displacement System which, if set, will detect serious hazards and automatically move to another location. The TARDIS carries a canvas bag Medical Kit which contains a deep-healing beam. Early in the TV series, the Doctor speaks of the Time Rotor in the console that slows down when the TARDIS is “landing”. He explained that it takes 12 minutes for the TARDIS computers to reorientate and gather power before it can leave again. There is also a Secondary Control Room which is wood-panelled with a smaller central console that has hinged panels covering the controls. It also contains a library, garden, swimming pool and a cricket pavilion.
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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" Gridlock " was just on. It was superb!
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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I dug it, actually. Very subtle and moving. With geriatric lesbians and cat women with black leather fetish... 
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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I'm sorry, it was about as subtle as being forcefully sodomized by a stop sign come to life.
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 What, "Don't do drugs or you'll cause an infinite traffic jam"? 
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Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
Timelord. Drunkard. 15000+ posts
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I'm sorry, it was about as subtle as being forcefully sodomized by a stop sign come to life.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet." Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
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Who will I break next? 15000+ posts
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So netflix has all the Tom Baker episodes online. Anyone wanna give me the correct order to watch them?
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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living in 1962 15000+ posts
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here you go, kids: Now, laer this year, IDW will begin publishing a new title based on the tenth Doctor, with stories by TV show script writer Gary Russell and art by Nick Roche. We sat down with Russell, Roche and IDW boss Chris Ryall to get the basics about their plans. Here's what they had to say:
Newsarama: When growing up, who was your favorite Doctor, and why?
Chris Ryall: Growing up in California, the only Doctor I was ever aware of--and this was only because of the Marvel Comic or the occasional airings on Public Television--was Tom Baker's 4th Doctor. I never saw any others until Sci Fi started airing the new show here, although I've seen been getting familiar with all the Doctors.
Nick Roche: Only a casual viewer as a nipper, never quite managing to win a battle for television supremacy against my soap-watching mother. So the only one I got see with any degree of consistency was Peter Davidson's Doctor, though I caught some Pertwee action a few years previous to Nu-Who and really liked it.
Gary Russell: As a child of the late 60s/70s, Jon Pertwee was the one for me. Dashing, sophisticated, heroic and clever. Pertwee I mean, not me. I've never been any of those things.
NRAMA: How did your affection for that Doctor effect what you're doing to this comic?
CRI really loved the new show (with Chris Eccleston) when it started airing here, and I'll admit that David Tennant's 10th Doctor has quickly become my favorite of them all. So I'm ecstatic to be telling stories featuring he and Martha, as well as revisiting some of the great stories from years past, mostly due to the wonderful Dave Gibbons artwork.
NR: As I mentioned, not a great deal of direct exposure growing up, but the concept is pretty unbeatable. Hell, I even like the 96 Movie, though possibly more out of a fondness for Paul McGann than anything else. His was the first I took an interest in, though general pop-culture knowledge fills in a lot of Doctor Who blanks. I just wanted to be involved in a chapter of something that's been cool for forty-plus years.
GR: Not at all - this series is different from everything that went before, so you adapt to suit the current environment. That said, of course it is all the same show in spirit. But then again so's Claremont's X-Men, Liefield's X-Men, Morrison's X-Men and Whedon's X-Men. And yet all of those runs are 'of their time', so you borrow a bit here, a bit there but then remold it to suit what you need to tell the story today. If can totally slaughter my analogy quotient, it's one big sandbox - we're playing with the same toys, but each kid repaints them to suit their taste. With Doctor Who, I'm hoping I don't accidentally pick up the paint pot marked SHOCKING DAY-GLO GREEN and produce something unrecognizable.
NRAMA This version features David Tennant's tenth Doctor and…which companion?
CR: Right - We're starting with the 10th Doctor and Martha. He's the current Doctor, so this makes the most sense, especially for comics that will be distributed to the American market.
GR: Can't get enough Martha. As for Tennant, 'cos he's the current one, simple as that. It's about putting characters from one medium into a totally different, and utilizing the strengths (and weaknesses) the new medium has to offer. So I gain from a bigger budget, more extras and louder bangs, yet the storytelling has to be as concise, clever and charming as the TV show is, but in a wholly different way. I have now just scared myself beyond belief...
NRAMA: Should this comic be considered canon to the entire Who universe?
CR: Canon is a funny thin, and means different things to different people--I say, if you like the stories, they're canon. But beyond that, everything Gary writes is blessed by Russell T. Davies personally, which I would think "canonizes" them even more.
NR: This comic overwrites both the current BBC series and all previous iterations. Maybe.
GR: Canon is down to individual taste. I like to believe it is the readers' job to decide on canon-icity - this, by the way, is me ducking this thorny issue!
NRAMA: Chris, what's the publishing plan here - monthly? Ongoing? Miniseries?
CR: We'll start with a miniseries that leads off with standalone stories... "episodes," if you will. And we'll also be reissuing the Dave Gibbons-drawn comics from the past, each featuring all-new coloring.
NRAMA: What was the most fun element about doing this?
CR: Doctor Who is just so perfect for comic books, and it's exciting to be doing new Who comics for the American market for the first time in decades.
NR: I'm having fun stripping down reference photos and turning Mr Tennant and Ms Agyeman into fully-fledged comic characters while still retaining their likeness. It's a challenge, but coming up with interesting results.
GR: Writing comics. Seriously. I had a brief paddle in the pool when I worked for Marvel UK back in their '92 explosion until the '94 implosion, but this is my two lifelong passions colliding magnificently. And Nick Roche - without turning this into an Oscar speech, working with Nick is great 'cos he's collaborative and not precious. Yet...
NRAMA: What was the most difficult part about doing this?
CRWe'll see... we're just getting rolling, so right now, it's all "honeymoon period."
NR: The likenesses again, weirdly. Optimus Prime 's cheekbones aren't quite as tricky to get right as Tennant's.
GR: Difficult? No one told me there'd be difficult moments...
NRAMA: Finally, what can you tell us about the plot? Does it involve the Master, Daleks, another good old nemesis or someone/thing new?
CR: I know we'd like to do some new things and not just fall right back on old tropes, but beyond that, I'll let Gary comment on things to whatever degree he'd like to tease things.
GR: Old monsters are all very well, but using the big guns like Daleks, Cybermen, the Master - it's a bit gauche. If you're going to use recognizable elements from the show - and I think you should where the story allows it - [it should be] a story that enables you to go "oooh I could put MONSTER X in here, that'd be cool" over to "oooh I need to write a story about MONSTER X") now and again, because people like to spot elements they're familiar with, then they need to be fun. Our first issue does feature something from the current show, and a later issue or two features something from waaaaay back in the series history, but these things should be done sparingly or it's no longer an event, it's the norm. And normal is dull. This will all come back to bite me, won't it...
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Fuck YES!! FUCK yes!! It's all coming together! And, it looks like I'm finally getting my statues, as well: 

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Why does the Eccleston one look like he is retarded?
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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I saw the episode called " Daleks in Manhattan " tonight.
It was only ok.
I was not impressed by the Pig dudes.
Maybe part two will be better next Friday.
I do like seeing the Daleks, though.
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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Actually, this two-part Dalek story sucks. It's quite possibly the worst episodes the new series has produced. Certainly the worst of the season. Just get through them, and I promise the season will pick back up instantly...
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I saw the episode called " Daleks in Manhattan " tonight.
It was only ok.
I was not impressed by the Pig dudes.
Maybe part two will be better next Friday.
I do like seeing the Daleks, though. I thought the second part was better but out of the season this two parter wasn't the greatest. However things pick up & build constantly to the end & left me looking forward to series 4.
Fair play!
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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I was not impressed by the Pig dudes.
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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Yeah, the pig thing is some lame, RTD phenomenon that I can't readily explain, really...
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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It is ok.. there have been some really great episodes lately.. guess they can't all be winners.
I am hoping the Doctor can reverse the "Pig Dude " effect.
Unless all those guys wanna do condom ads on tv...
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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old one eye 2500+ posts
old one eye 2500+ posts
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Dalleks are are such retard looking characters. Little R2D2 wannabes with their toilet plungers of death.
Why does he always partner with a woman? His next partner should be a guy.
How you doin'?
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How can something that preceded R2D2 be a wanabe? Surely R2D2 is a Dalek wanabe!
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Lothar likes to be the villain...
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I'm still the best arse bandit...
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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The others had potential. But this would have been beautiful.
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You want a fucking jelly baby? Fuck you! You aint gettin no mutha fucking jelly babies!
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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BBC Worldwide is delighted to announce that Character Options, one of the UK’s leading toy companies, will be launching a fantastic range of classic Doctor Who figures. The 5” figures range will initially include detailed replicas of classic Doctors, plus a number of monsters and will be launched in the spring of 2008. As master toy licensee Character has enjoyed immense success alongside BBC Worldwide through its Doctor Who range of products and predicts a hugely positive response to the new collection. Commented Jon Diver, Joint Managing Director at Character Group: "The resounding success of the Doctor Who TV series is made up of both new and existing Doctor Who fans. We have reacted to public demand and will be producing a range to the depth and quality of our existing line. The classic licence will broaden the collectibility and enhance the position of the brand.” Also, it was revealed on the forums at Outpost Gallifrey that "(pending approvals) there are 3 Doctors and 5 and 1/2 villains in the first Wave….work that one out!" Action Figure Insider Character Options has done a great job with the new series so this is very good news.
Fair play!
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I walk in eternity 15000+ posts
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I saw the episode called " Daleks in Manhattan " tonight.
It was only ok.
I was not impressed by the Pig dudes.
Maybe part two will be better next Friday.
I do like seeing the Daleks, though. Part two was just on. It was only slightly better than part one. THe Human - Dalek was lame though. It looked like a Cyclops with six penises on it it's head. Yuck!
"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your death bring you the peace you never found in life." - Tuvok.
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brother from another mother 15000+ posts
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That's what Nowie and Pro liked about the episode.
"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who
"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson
I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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Yeah, this two parter is the low part of the season. From next week until the end, it only gets better... 
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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This is the list for wave 1 of the classic Doctor Who action figures. Dr Who Classic 5” Carded figure Range - Wave 1 1/ The 4th Dr in Red velvet jacket (Circa: Revenge of the Cybermen 1974) Two interchangeable heads (with and without hat) NB. this is because removable hats are impossible to do well at this scale 2/ The 5th Doctor (Circa: Resurrection of the Daleks 1984) Shorter hair version 3/ The 6th Dr in patchwork frock coat (Circa: Attack of the Cybermen 1985) Early shorter hair version 4/ The Sea Devil (Story: The Sea Devils) Original version with string vest 5/ Zygon (Story: Terror of the Zygons ) Character - Broton – played by John Woodnut With Skarassen control device accessory 6/ Voc Robots Twin pack (Story: Robots of Death) SV-7 (Super Voc) and D-84 (Dum Class) 7/ Magnus Greel and Mr Sin Twin pack (Story: Talons of Weng Chiang)"
Fair play!
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Awesome!!!!  I'm getting every fucking ONE of those!! 
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Fair Play! 15000+ posts
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I might not get all the villians in later waves but plan on getting the whole first wave. Hopefully we'll see some companions later on. A Leela figure would have to be guarenteed to sell to the collectors market.
Fair play!