Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Okay, just watched the last three episodes. I was actually enjoying them. The different take on the Master was good, but not what I'd want as a permanent counter-point to this Doctor.

Actually, I dug the shit out of him (as you can see by my avatar). I don't know. I don't want to discuss the details too much until it's aired on Sci-Fi. No reason to spoil anything.

I didn't dislike it. I just thought that you didn't need an over-the-top Master for and over-the-top Doctor. He'd been perfect against Colin Baker or Peter Davidson.

Roger Delgado will always be THE Master to me. All others are good, but he created the role, and he still owns it!

Roger Delgado will always be THE Master to me. All others are good, but he created the role, and he still owns it!

Me too. I really didn't like Ainley all that much. Delgado was awesome.

He played the Master as such an vain sociopath.