Ok, not normally a cinema goer, but with the fact I have the week off, and it opened here yesterday, I decided to go see it!

The film itself was awesome, but there were some little touches that made the film that lil bit more special, and some that just made you groan.

Firstly the bad:
Why did they think "We are being chased by murderous robots, lets head into a densely populated city where people can get killed!" rather than "Lets head as far away from a populated area as possible!" was a good idea?
Yeah, I know its cause fighting in a non built up area woulda been dull and it had to be made interesting, but it was just groan worthy!

The other thing is why do things like the drinks machine and mobile phone etc, automatically become evil when they became sentinent?
I spose it could be because they were backwards engineered from Megatron, but thats kinda like saying "if your father is a murderer, so will you be cause you share his genes".

Oh, and either those glasses could grow, or Optimus Primes hands shrunk when he picked them up!

Over all pretty small complaints though, and nothing that stopped my enjoyment!

Now the cool little touches!
What I would assume is Soundwave (the portable CD player guy), was hilarious!
Even his little Cybertronian "Oh shit" when he bought it, was commical!

The fact that Bumblebee assaulted the VW Beetle at the begining of the movie, was obviously a wink towards the original Bumblebee! (surprised nobody else mentioned this).

The breakdancing transformation of Jazz.

The bit when Megatron flicked the human "Disgusting" got a huge laugh from the audience!

The bit when they were all trying to hide in the garden!

The hot chick!

The fact that so much of the films was played for laughs, never allowing you to take the film totally seriously, helped distract kids from just how violent the film actually was.

The effects were awesome, and you never felt like the robots were not real, which was quite an achievment, especially when it came to how they moved (I especially like the mid transit transformations where they had to skid to a hault).

I certainly look forward to getting it on DVD and of course a sequel!